A Blogaversary

So Veg Plotting has survived the Terrible Twos and is in full toddlerdom at the ripe old age of three today. I've had several conversations with other bloggers recently on how hard it can be at times to keep going: there's a seasonal rhythm to writing about gardening which sometimes makes it feel like you're beginning to repeat yourself. I believe the third year of blogging is a bit like that 'difficult second album' which some singers and bands experience. The freshness and sparkle of starting something new has worn off and in my case it's the real desire to communicate and explain which keeps me going. And chocolate too of course ;)

There's been quite a few blogging milestones this year: the 1,000th post, 100,000th visitor and 10,000th comment. Your comments are the most important and I love the conversations and debates we have. Thanks to all of you who've visited, read and commented and here's to fresh projects in Veg Plotting's fourth year :)


  1. Happy blogaversary - and well done on all your milestones

  2. Congratulations VP
    Is it really only three years? It seems that you have always been there dispensing interesting stuff with enormous energy.
    You are a great credit to the internet.
    Long may you carry on.

  3. Congratulations, I think that is a great achievement especially as you work so hard to add variety to your posts. I am happy with the repetition of gardening posts, and look forward to special plants flowering around the world.

    Best wishes and a big thank you, Sylvia

  4. Well done, that's an impressive number of posts, visitors and comments!
    I've always been happy to stop by here even if I don't comment as often as I perhaps feel I should!
    Flighty xx

  5. Congratulations! Keeping pretty much anything going for longer than two years is an achievement ;-) I love your blog, and the way you manage to be friendly and inclusive as well as entertaining and informative. Roll on the next 2 years...

  6. Congratulations! I can't imagine you ever being short of ideas or something interesting to say. Love Vxx

  7. Happy anniversary. I am astounded at the variety of your posts and the energy you put into them.
    As for repeating stuff - gardening is seasonal so some repetition is unavoidable. Also readers may be new. That's my excuse anyway :-)

  8. the pattern of gardening may appear repetitious, but the elements within that pattern change ever so slightly---like a kaleidoscope. the colors of the kaleidoscope please my minds' eye, while the pattern soothes my soul. i find your blog to serve the same purpose. congrats on your 3rd birthday. trust the cake is chocolate ;)

  9. Congratulations on your Blogaversary, VP :-D

    I agree with your sentinment about keeping on going completely. You do a fantastic job there! Impressive stats too - especially in comments :-D

    Thanks, for entertaining and informing us... now that you are three I wonder what you have in store for us :-D

  10. Happy Anniversary VP-may the chocolate fairies continue to smile on you.

  11. Congratulations, so many milestones. My little garden blog is just starting, I wonder if I will get to that point some day

    Also, Chocolate is the best!

  12. Congratulations! I'm about where you're at, having started my blog just a couple months before yours. I know what you mean about trying not to repeat, but remember, the garden is always changing, so there's always something about which to write. I've been ruminating about my blog and where I want to go with it now. I guess that just goes with the maturation process. Or not.

  13. Happy birthday.
    Such a great achievement.

  14. 100,000 visitors - wow! congratulations.

  15. Thanks for your good wishes everyone. It's lovely to see you all :)

  16. A belated happy blogaversary to you VP ~ long may Veg Plotting continue to flourish!

  17. A rather late happy blogaversary, VP - I hadn't realised you had only been blogging for three years - like James says, it seems like your blog has always been there. I hope you continue to feel inspired & to inspire the rest of us :-*

  18. Anna and Juliet - and here's some rather belated thanks ;)


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Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The Resilient Garden

Testing Times: Tomatoes