Seed Tin Giveaway 2013

I've been having a bit of a sort through my seed tin and have plenty of in date packets of seeds which I know I won't be able to use this year. So, I'm having a giveaway here on Veg Plotting to find some good homes for them - always a popular move :)

All you need to do is look at the lists below and tell me if any of them take your fancy. Please restrict your choices to a maximum of 5 packets, so plenty of readers have a chance of bagging something they'd like. Let me know in the Comments below what you have your eye on - this will give everyone an early warning of what's been grabbed already.

Then, email me at vegplotting at gmail dot com with your name, address and choices. Note: when I have your email I'll allocate your seeds to you and not before. I've had seeds reserved via the Comments in previous years by people who've then not proved contactable and I'd like these packets to go to those who really want them. Sorry, this is only open to UK residents, owing to higher postage costs and customs restrictions re sending seeds abroad.

NB If nothing takes your fancy (or as well, maybe), then don't forget I have a discount code for Sarah Raven's website until the end of January (i.e. this Thursday). Simply enter VP10JAN in the Apply Coupon area on your Shopping Basket page.

I'll update this post as soon as I can with what's been grabbed already. Anything left over will be going to a local seed swap in March, so you have first dibs! Here's the lists:


  • Antirhinum 'Constantine'
  • Canterbury Bells - mixed
  • Foxglove 'Suttons Apricot'
  • Nasturtium 'Kiki's Kiss'
  • Scabious 'Perfecta Blue'
  • Sweet Pea 'Fragrantissima'
  • Sweet Pea 'Statesman' mixed
  • Miriam Rothschild's Wildflower Meadow Mix
  • Beetroot 'Boltardy'
  • Beetroot 'Cardeal'
  • Carrot 'White Satin'
  • Chard 'Fantasy'
  • Chard 'Five Colour Silverbeet'
  • Chilli 'Basket of Fire' (2, 1)
  • Chilli 'Ember Explosive'
  • Kale 'Curly Scarlet'
  • Leek 'Lyon 2'
  • Lettuce - mixed
  • Radicchio 'Palla Rossa Precoce'
  • Radish 'Mooli Mino Early'
  • Salad Leaves 'Bright and Spicy' mix
  • Tomato 'Gardener's Delight'
  • Tomato 'Moneymaker'
Update: All gone by 11.38 am - it's a record! See you next year :)
Update 2: Fellow Wiltshire blogger Damo has some fab looking vegetable seed choices on offer. Why not head on over to his place and see if anything takes your fancy?
Update 3: Seeds were despatched on Saturday 2nd February :)


  1. Canterbury Bells - mixed
    Beetroot 'Boltardy'
    Foxglove 'Suttons Apricot'

    1. Thanks for your email :) The Beetroot and foxglove are yours, but you were just pipped to the Canterbury bells.

    2. Many thanks,seeds duly arrived on my doormat this morning, look forward to seeing the results later in the year ;o)


  2. The first 3 emails are in and the list updated to reflect what's been grabbed already :)

  3. Nasturtium (as they've completely failed to self-seed and take over the garden, and the seeds I tried to save last year were very green when the frost felled them),
    Sweet pea (just because)
    Tomato (as I've had no success at all with tomatoes, so a tried and trusted variety might be what I need)

    Thank you :-)

  4. Antirhinum 'Constantine'
    Nasturtium 'Kiki's Kiss'
    Miriam Rothschild's Wildflower Meadow Mix

    1. Hi Jo - Rachel just beat you to the Nasturtiums, but the rest are yours :)

  5. Kale 'curly scarlet'
    salad leaves 'bright and spicy'

    1. Hi Margaret - they're yours. Pleased to see the salad leaves are going to a salad challenge regular :)

  6. Just 2 packets left - the leeks and the mooli radish. Seeds have been snapped up in record time this year! :)

  7. All seeds gone by 11.38! They're gone in record time this year :)

  8. Do you think that Dahlias would grow well in containers? I will be moving soon & will probably only be able to grow inside. Already thinking herbs, sprouts, & lettuces, but am wondering what flowers to grow to satisfy Grandchild #1 longing for flowers.

  9. PG - I'm surprised they went so quickly!

    petoskystone - yes they do. You can get ones which are suitable for bedding (i.e. grown from seed), but I've also seen lots of the tuber types also growing well in pots. The RHS did a Dahlia trial a couple of years ago - I'll see if I can find their conclusions re which varieties to go for...

    ... here you are. I hope the varieties mentioned are available in the USA. I grew 'Knockout' in one of my borders last year and loved it. It grows quite tall, so that shows you don't need to confine yourself just to the shorter varieties for success. Dahlias in pots

  10. Wow!! That was so thoughtful of you! It was fun to see all the seeds marked out!

  11. Wow what a great offer and taken up lightning quick. Thanks for the mention, I suffer from seed hording but I've managed to give up a few packets this year and hopefully someone will get good use from them. I think I'll still have too many though, never enough space! Any left over at the end of the season will go to our local charity Project Uganda.

  12. Wow, talk about you snooze you lose! A clearly popular offer ;-) I'm sure I should be able to do something similar, but I remain hopelessly optimistic about what I will use...

  13. That was kind of you! I used the Sara Raven offer and received my seeds last Saturday - Poppies and Sunflowers :-)
    Take care, Helene.

  14. Hi Linda - thanks :)

    Damo - unlike you, I haven't confessed to what's left in my tins (yes tins!). I'm wondering if I should have been more ruthless, especially as I was looking through some seed catalogues last night ;)

    Janet - I'm hopelessly optimistic too. This is a way of getting rid of some of the accompanying guilt!

    Helene - I'm so glad you were able to use the offer. My seeds have arrived too - various lettuces I want to try because Salad Challengers recommended them last year, plus some buckler leaf sorrel :)

  15. Brilliant idea! We've just got our heads together and we've got rather a lot languishing around the Woolly cupboard which to be realistic won't be used, and make me feel quite guilty - so we're going to have a look through to see what's still in date and give some away ourselves :-) Waste not want not!

  16. Lizzy - I've just found another stash. There may be a Part Two...


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