Garden Scramble

I thought it would be fun to devise a quiz for Christmas...

...can you unscramble the anagrams to find the hidden gardens?

The photos are further clues but aren't necessarily presented in the same order. All the gardens are found in the UK or Ireland and I've visited them all, but I may not have blogged about them.
  1. Back lace boy (6,5)
  2. O! He must run (5,5)
  3. Half edit shoe (8,5) * 
  4. Err yet warp (10)
  5. Hop to curt man (7,5)
  6. Rob nets wit (10)
  7. New dates (4,4)
  8. Axed gritter (5,6)
  9. Roy earns my talc (5,4,5)
* = Wellyman has helpfully pointed out you need to add a 'u' to this anagram to find the solution. He suggests Leafiest doh uh (or perhaps Uh! Leafiest doh) for the full anagram experience. My apologies.

I've put the solution here, ready for you to check your answers. How many did you get before you had a sneaky peek?

Update: Tuckshop Gardener has a fun Christmas-themed garden quiz if you fancy another stretch of your 'leetle grey cells' over the festive period :)


  1. Now this looks fun VP. A couple look familiar and no 6 was easy peasy :) Will pop back over the next few days to try and crack the other clues.

    1. Thanks Anna :) I've had more fun this afternoon putting together another puzzle of a different type. I'm thinking this might be a fun thing to do to while away some of the winter...

  2. I'm not going to admit how ignorant I am!!!!!!

    1. OK - you can take a sneak peek ;)

      The next puzzle is a Wordsearch :)

  3. Wellywoman and I just got them all, (with a bit of searching through the books). Great quiz! :)

    1. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for pointing out the problem with question 3. It's been fun discussing alternative anagrams with you. Just thought of Uh! Leafiest hod - this anagram/cryptic clue composing lark is addictive!

  4. I just got ONE! Perhaps I will try for one a day

    1. How did you get on? Cryptic puzzle coming up this Friday :)


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