Merry Christmas

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

One of my GNO pals put this fun ecard together. I've had such a giggle viewing it and I hope you do too.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Veg Plotting will be back briefly for Salad Days on the 27th and will then resume in January.



  1. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and a very happy New Year. CJ xx

  2. Happy Christmas Michelle. I hope to join for salad days again as I hope to grow some lettuces in the basement under grow lights...

  3. Now that's brilliant Michelle but have you been on the laughing gas again :) Wishing you and NAH peace and joy at Christmas and happy salad growing in 2014! xxx

  4. Very clever! Merry Christmas Michelle.

  5. Thanks for your good wishes everyone. I hope 2014 has got off to a good start for you all and you haven't been affected too badly by the storms.


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