Senzeni Na?

Last night amidst all the Christmas carols and mince pies, our choir sang Senzeni Na? to honour Nelson Mandela. We've performed this before as South African songs are a rich seam which we exploit with great passion and enjoyment.

The title's translation is What Have We Done? It's traditionally sung at funerals and is a protest song, so it's a fitting tribute.

The picture is from the opening ceremony at the Special Olympics in Dublin in 2003 which were opened by Nelson Mandela. He's a tiny dot because I was perched right at the top of the stadium. It was emotional to be in the presence of such a great man. You can read my account of that time here.


  1. Not sure what it is but the singing of South African and Welsh choirs invariably pull at the heartstrings. How lucky you were to be in Dublin at that time VP.

    1. It was a privilege to be there and to be volunteer for the entire games :)

  2. A lovely photo and a memory to treasure.


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