Puss, Puss

'A pint of your finest, Landlord please' - picture courtesy of NAH.

Our closest pub on holiday happily turned out to be the Royal Standard in Upwey, listed in The Good Beer Guide for the past 10 years. A magnificent resident eagle owl greeted us on the way in with several who whooos? A sign of randiness apparently. The resident cat Puss, turned out to be very affectionate and talkative - just right for a couple of cat owners missing their own pair (or purr?). Whilst her name isn't particularly original, the pub's landlord told us it's the only one she'll answer to.

The bar had an unusual feature for a pub - a cat flap. Apparently the landlord had to install it when they had three rescue cats. Whenever a dog came into the pub, the cats would leap over the bar, including climbing up customers' backs if any of them were in the way. The cat flap's installation has subsequently prevented much flying of fur and kept many a customer's temper just that little bit sweeter.

Luckily for us Skimble and Jess don't sulk and sit with their backs to us when we get home from holidays. They don't seem to mind that we may have been cavorting with substitute cats whilst we've been away. They've been extra loving and fussing since Saturday - Jess decided I needed my head sitting on this morning followed by her purring loudly in my ear to wake me up.


  1. Nice to see a cat in a pub instead of the usual dog. Chuckled at cats scratching customers (though probably not terribly funny if you're one of them.

    I used to have a cat that would wake me up by purring in my face. When that failed she resorted to dribbling....

  2. We loved our nursery cat olive, but she didn't take care of the rats.

  3. What a wonderful make-me-smile entry! xx

  4. It's less embarrassing to shout Puss than some names people use for their cats.We had neighbours once whose cat was called Romeo....

  5. I think that my beloved would happily swap places with Puss :)

  6. Mrs be - welcome! Your cat sounds just like Jess - apart from the dribbling...

    Deb - luckily ours don't either. Mice, voles, moles, the odd hamster...

    Flighty - glad you liked it!

    Threadspider - unbelievable!

    Anna - most beloveds are like that I think :)


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