ABC Wednesday - W is For...

... Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas

Peace to you all is my wish for this holiday time. We're off visiting family up north, but I'll be back in time for the next ABC Wednesday, if not before. In the meantime, just like our magazines and papers, I thought I'd leave you with some holiday puzzles and conundrums just in case you get bored.

Firstly some conundrums:

  • Why are What's Today's Date and How Long is a Week amongst Veg Plotting's most popular Search hits? And how come the searchers expected to find out the answer from my blog? ;)
  • A great puzzle for our times - Why does all the washing end up inside the duvet cover when you come to take it out of the machine?
I thought you'd like a few puzzles too:
  • Plants Are The Strangest People had a crossword on his blog a while ago. You might like to have a go, or use the link to compile your own. Here's the solution for later
  • FreeRice has lots of educational puzzles and you earn rice for humanitarian aid simply by taking part. I've set it to the vocabulary one, but you can select a maths, geography, art or chemistry subject if you prefer

Perhaps this quiz is more up your street? In my case there's shurely shome mishtake? (Ed.).

You Are a Seasonal Latte
You Are a Seasonal Latte

Your holiday personality is energetic.

The holidays give you a bit of a natural buzz, and you tend to get a lot done.

You are an expert on the holidays, and people often rely on you for support.

You know the best places to shop - and the best seasonal lattes to drink.

Or have a play with Dreamlines or Wordle. For Dreamlines enter your name, your Blog's title or whatever you fancy and see what pictures this site conjures up for you. Sometimes abstract, sometimes a familiar shape or impressionistic picture from your blog, it's totally fascinating. For Wordle see what your word clouds your blog's content gives you - similar to but much prettier and flexible than tag clouds!

It's also the season of goodwill so how about:

  • Use your click button to raise money for breast cancer screening. Once you've taken the link and used your click button, you'll see there are plenty more options to raise money for good causes over there just by exercising your mouse finger a little bit more.
  • Visiting Zoe's Christmas Greetings blog. A donation here helps a major cancer charity.
  • OR visit my Open Garden blog. As well as a return to a summery garden plus a view of some of the changes to my garden during the seasons, I'm still accepting donations for WaterAid. Take a trip to my blog to find out more. If you've been before, I've got some fresh content in there for you too.
Happy Holidays everyone and see you soon :D


  1. Helloā€¦ā€¦
    This is amazing!! I am so glad to found your blog!
    You are welcomed to my blogā€¦ā€¦.
    "A Merry X'Mas and A Happy New Year''

  2. VP ... I was on my way to bed when I peeked in on your post !
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the northern deep freeze here : )
    Have you been watching any new Dr. Who lately ?? Whow will be the new WHO !!! LOL

  3. Happy Christmas VP

  4. Thanks for a post full of things to look at and do!
    Safe journey, and have an enjoyable, and relaxing, time! xx

  5. Hello

    Apparently I am a Hot Chocolate!

    Pop over to my place and I will make you one .... I have a little surprise for you there!


  6. W is for waiting time over.
    Merry Christmas!

  7. How wonderful VP, these all look like fun. I will sneak a try at the fun and games when there is a down moment in our own family fun. Hope Zoe gets loads of donations from your link too! Have a safe and happy holiday trip!

  8. Thanks for all the ideas for fun things to do after the Christmas rush is over. Apparently I am a hot chocolate, which is just as well--I love it:)

    Have a wonderful time with your family and a Merry Christmas, VP!

  9. MERRY CHRISTMAS VP! Have a lovely day tomorrow, love to Skimble and Jess and NAH and all the family xxx

  10. Enjoy your seasonal festivities VP. Thanks for all the fun and games - I may well attempt the crossword later in the week. Glad that you provided the solution too :) Merry Christmas !

  11. Hi VP,

    Hot Chocolate always give us plenty to think about and now fun activities! Continued good luck in fund raising and congrats on your win over at Zoe's. It couldn't happen to a nicer blogger! I wish you the merriest Christmas and Happy New Year!


  12. merry times to one & all :) i'm eggnog--bit of a disappoinment as there's no caffiene there :( ah-well--time to bake more cookies--safe journey to the family!

  13. Merry Christmas! Wesolych Swiat!

  14. VP, wishing you all the best for Christmas and the New Year,

  15. Happy Christmas, VP! I haven't forgotten I was going to email you - just haven't had suitable combination of time, access to computer, and functional brain. Hopefully I will during the next few days!

  16. Isn't fun to see what searches bring people to the blog? I had a fun one, "how to get high on dandelions" Ha! Have a lovely Christmas :)


  17. Can't for the life of me figure out the search conundrum. I'm a little embarrassed about how long I've spent thinking about it...!

    "Manure" used to figure prominently on my old site's search stats, I'm sorry to say; I write about it a lot, and it brought some rather, er, unexpected visitors.

    Merry Christmas

  18. I, too, ended up as hot chocolate, VP, much to my surprise (I suppose it's because I'm such a sentimentalist, and never more than at Christmas). How'd you manage to end up as something else?! Thanks for the fun, and a very happy Christmas and blessed new year to you and yours!!!

  19. I love holiday puzzles and conundrums! How fun. I am hot chocolate! The dream images were so beautiful. The green Man kept on coming in and out.
    Great causes.So important now, and any time.
    Have a wonderful time and safe trip!

  20. Hi VP
    Have a good Christmas holiday and new year.
    I will follow your charity donation links.

  21. I'm a cider; thank you for asking! Actually, the description was spot on: "Your holiday personality is cozy. The holidays are your favorite time to stay home, stay warm, and spend time with those you love.
    You don't need a lot to make you happy over the holidays."
    Hope you had a good holiday and I wish you all the best (including veg plotting!) in 2009!
    ~ Monica

  22. Happy New Year! We do get some weird searches don't we.

  23. Hi everyone - glad you like the puzzle page! I'll come over for a visit over to yours.

    I can't believe I didn't come out as a hot chocolate. The latte description is so not me!


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