Christmas Cheer

Where would Christmas be without at least one comedy vegetable moment? And with the sad demise of That's Life! (a 1970s to 1990s Sunday night TV show where they were a key feature) it falls upon me to bring it to you this year, freshly picked from the allotment and in its prime ;)

And if that wasn't enough, today's the winter solstice so the days get lighter from now on - huzzah!


  1. LOL, how rude!

    I used to enjoy That's Life too, especially Cyril's stories.

    Occasionally see Ester on TV, and Paul Hine does Watch Dog reports, but I wonder about the others (although I think Cyril passed away?)

    TV is not what it used to be!


  2. Hi VP, I didn't get it until I saw Zoe's comment and went back. I am so innocent! HA Happy solstice, hooray for the coming of longer days!

  3. Oh my goodness ! yikes !!!!
    Are you sure it isn't a character from Dr. Who ??? ... I swear I saw one just like that in an episode VP ! ... Yes .. I'm a hard core Canada BBC fan .. and watched "pure" British shows while we were in Holland .. thank goodness for cable while we were there ! haha
    Good luck with the alien veggie girl ! : )

  4. Ha ha! Nothing like a rude veg to cheer the long winter nights.

    Can't wait to use my extra minute or two of light tomorrow!

  5. Hi VP, Leave it to veggies to add a note of comedy to a cold day! I googled the show and I have to say, I think we missed out on a real treat!
    Happy Solstice Day!


  6. Oh my goodness. I had to avert my eyes! :-D

  7. just a question: i am having trouble with google. every week to week&half, google refuses to let me sign in. so i have to re-register for a new account. same password & same name-- & then i can post. does this happent to anyone else? sending an email to google gets nowhere.

  8. I guess you could say that's a pa(r) who hasn't had the snip. (Sorry...)

  9. Oh small but perfectly formed VP. I am blushing :)
    Great to have the shortest day behind us.

  10. That veggie does have a rude look to it,lol.

  11. Root vegetables - so versatile. Good for the table and for a laugh!

  12. As you say all part of a traditional Christmas just like pantos! xx

  13. I gather that's a parsnip. I don't eat them & now I don't want to!

  14. Zoe - sadly Cyril Fletcher passed away a while ago. I loved his odd odes and newspaper howlers too.

    Frances - I think we'll all be glad of the lighter days

    Joy - I think you mean the Ood? I'll make sure I include that when I do a YAWA post about parsnips

    HM - glad you like it!

    Gail - you did, it was very entertaining.

    Susan - I did wonder about putting a warning up!

    Petoskystone - I've answered this on a later post. If anyone else is having similar problems, do let me know

    Victoria - that's very good. Just the kind of thing NAH would come up with!

    Anna - yes, I'm glad too

    PG - yes, I thought we needed cheering up!

    EG - it was yummy despite its appearance!

    Flighty - Ohhhh yes it is! xx

    Deb - well, yes it is really ;)

    Garden Bloggers - welcome and glad you liked it!

    MMD - you've made me realise this is an unfamiliar veggie across the pond. Must do a YAWA post. And they're absolutely delicious despite the appearance of this one!


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