I'm most surprised this month as I was expecting to find very little in bloom today. I can in fact present you with almost exactly the same slideshow as last time, so I'm keeping it in my sidebar with a slightly amended title. I've also added this picture of
Winter Jasmine (
Jasminum nudiflorum) found poking through my
Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin'. It's a true winter plant, blooming profusely on wiry thin stems. Further good winter flowerers are waiting in the wings (next month's
GBBD subjects perhaps?) -
Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price',
Viburnum davidii,
Skimmia japonica and
Lonicera x
purpusii 'Winter Beauty' have all stayed steadfastly in bud owing to the several days of
hoar frost we've had lately. Looking at this picture of a frozen primrose flower below, I'm sure you'll understand
why. Do click on either picture to enlarge if needed.
Hi VP, Just lovely! I love the yellow blooms on dreary winter days. The Viburnum davidii has been here for several years with no berries. I added another from a different nursery to help with that pollination, necessary according to the books, do you get a good show of berries and do you have several, or more than one?
Hi Frances - so glad you like it :)
ReplyDeleteUnlike you I haven't got round to planting a pollination partner for my Viburnum davidii, so I don't get any of those amazing electric blue berries. I'm having a total rethink of the border where the Viburnums are, so who knows what will be there and how it'll look this time next year?
what a lovely, vibrant winter jasmine! such an appropriate bloom for the solstice/christmas time of year.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how precious those little bits of colour are in the winter garden. I have a japanese quince in full scarlet bloom outside my kitchen window, hammamelis 'Diane' covered in flowers and my pink penstemon is still flowering. I really ought to go outside and check what else is going on out there but it is too cold!
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice surprise on a winter's day to find that vibrant little Jasmine blooming. :) Happy GBBD VP!
ReplyDeleteHey VP, Love that frozen primrose flower. I was glad you included a link to an earlier post with the hoar frost on other flowers. They were all gorgeous with the frost. Jan
ReplyDeleteI like Winter blooming Jasmine. While I haven't any...neighbors do and I get to enjoy it while I walk. Gail
Love to see such hardy bloomers in December...that Jasmine is lovely, but you have me feeling sorry for that poor primrose! Kim
ReplyDeleteI love the winter jasmine but mine is still tucked tightly in bud (I don't blame it given the weather) against an east facing wall. Such an easy plant to pass on too - mine came as a little snippet from my parent's garden.These winter blooms are so precious. I am reading the first of a couple of books I have on the subject of the garden in winter - I will try to blog about them before next winter:)
ReplyDeleteI am fond of Winter Jasmin too, its such a good doer, even if it gets a bit leggy. Just what you need at this time of year too. I have mine planted by a Chrismas Box (saracocca confusa) and everyone assumes it must be the Jasmin that smells so sweet! hehe
I like your winter jasmine, mine is only about 5 inches tall - but one day .....
ReplyDeleteThe frozen flower is a stunning picture.
Oh, my, you do still have a lot blooming! Must be nice. Even the frosted Primrose is pretty. I think I might have the same little Cotoneaster that you do. Yesterday, after all the snow melted, I found mine had turned a dark burgundy. Aren't they cute?
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your slide show. I don't remember if I saw it in November. I love the way you showed things both from a distance and close up. You live in a beautiful area!
ReplyDeleteI liked your frost pics, too.
The jasmine blooms are so lovely, VP; just the thing to brighten up these winter days. I'm realizing what a difference the different gardening zones make. Here in the Midwest we're a frozen wasteland at the moment:)
ReplyDeleteIt's always a pleasure to visit your garden. It looks like you'll have something blooming every month.
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Hi everyone - thanks for all of your comments :)
ReplyDeleteI'll come over for a visit as soon as I've finished my Round Robin (tee hee), my cards, putting up the outdoor lights and tonight's carol concert. Phew!
Your jasmine is blooming! That's great!
ReplyDeleteCan you grow winter daphne? I know it needs to be planted high and dry with good drainage. I have one that blooms in late January and it is so fragrant.
Hi Cameron,
ReplyDeleteSadly my Daphne died after about 3 years. It was the fatal winter wet/clay soil combo which is usually much more fatal plants here in the UK than freezing temperatures. A pity as its such a great plant for winter interest. Its scent is divine too.