Review of the Year - Signs

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I've made a slideshow for your enjoyment today. Relax with a cuppa and see some of the things I've found whilst out and about this year. Signs of the times x 30!

If you like what you see here, I've made a couple of miscellany slideshows of photos not published on Veg Plotting this year. You'll find them on my occasional blog, Box of Delight and they're called Wiltshire Within and Wiltshire Without respectively.


  1. I like this a lot - both the photos individually and also how they seem to have some kind of narrative together! It's like a little time capsule.

  2. This is great.
    I particularly like the old mill sign.

  3. Hey nice little collection :o)

    I wander how many people will get the tinsel town reference though?
    Can't wait for the film to come out.

    Word verification:
    hily shte

    Am I allowed to say that on here?!

  4. VP, Great signs...loved "take an old bag to work" and how very timely to show the English honey label (last) when you've shared with us that this month the national supply might run dry!

  5. Loved it, VeeP! Shows us on this side of the pond how it goes over there, very different than our signs of the times would be.


  6. great slide show. i esp. liked the red 'cat'!

  7. My favorite would just have to be "I'm in the garden..." Thanks for sharing them all.

  8. Some real gems there VP. Thanks for the show. Having worked with young people for years challenging stereotypes it was great to see the 'A.& M.Jones & daughter - Engineers' sign. I will pop over to your other blogs soon.

    I still have not been successful in finding any sweat and sour sauce in this neck of the
    woods !

  9. Sarah - that's exactly what I was trying to do :)

    Karen - the whole place was lovely. Well worth another visit next year.

    Dave - thanks for calling back and for Following :) I'm looking forward to the film too. And what a result re the WV - one of my favourites so far along with the ifukdt I got a while ago ;)

    Gail - the old bag is a recycling campaign at our local supermarket, but I think NAH just bought it home to annoy me ;)

    Frances - glad you liked it. It's good to step outside the garden once in a while. And I hope you didn't mind your 'sign' making another appearance?

    petoskystone - that's one of my favourites too

    Tina - that's what Frances won earlier on this year from my Open Garden fundraiser and was donated to me by another blogger. I felt it needed another outing :)

    Anna - I was blown away when I went to a girls' school once as the teachers wanted me there as I was 'a good role model to show that science can be for girls'. Role model? Me?


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