GBBD: Green Shoots for December

Click to enlarge picture if needed. From left to right and top to bottom: 1. Potted Violas 2. Clematis 'Elsa Spath' 3. Rosmarinus officinalis 4. Rosa 'The Fairy' rosehips 5. Clematis 'Freckles' 6. Shivering Anthemis tinctora 'E. C. Buxton' 7. Cyclamen 8. Iris reticulata shoots 9. Erysimum 'Bowles Mauve' - in flower since April 10. Rosa 'Celebration' - a silver wedding anniversary gift this year 11. Cornered Campanula 12. Self-sown surprise Lobelia 13. Primula 'Cottage cream' 14. Snowdrop and Crocus shoots 15. Eryngium surprise 16. Clematis 'Crystal Fountain' sport seedhead

After the rainiest November since records began, December has been much colder and drier thus far. As I write this, a ‘continental block’* is heading our way from the east. This means days of clear weather straight from chilly Siberia, and with luck, some much needed sunshine. Snow is also forecast over the next couple of days, which might put paid to some of the blooms on show today.

As well as the expected flowers of the season, I’ve found some surprises and hangers on, plus some green shoots of recovery: a promise of spring to come and much needed in these darkest days of the year. This time next week, whilst our thoughts really need to get to grips with Christmas, it’ll be reassuring that these are nestling out there and at last the days will be getting lighter.

* = high pressure settling over Britain which extends from colder, continental Europe blocking our prevailing low pressure (rainy) systems coming in from the south-west. When this happens, the clash between the high and any low pressure systems trying to extend over Britain, often leads to an initial period of snowy weather in the south-west of England. Once the high pressure system has established itself (assuming it does), it usually leads to many days of calm, cold and clear weather over the entire British Isles. These are the best of days to wrap up warm and head out for a brisk winter walk.

Garden Bloggers’ Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. Weather fascinates me. Here, it travels west-east, with some tracking up from the northeastern US over towards us in the far-east. Whatever the case, I'm slightly envious over your happy blooms. I too am counting down to the lengthening of the days after LongNight.

  2. Wow - you put me to shame AND i went round the whole allotment and one of mine was fake!!!xx

  3. You have had some pretties blooming this month. I am hoping that witchhazels et al will be blooming in January...and hellebores. What would we do without hellebores! Have a fun rest of your day! gail

  4. I must plant a winter clematis, - I had a great jingle bells over the greenhouse at my last house, - thanks for reminding me.

  5. Violas and Cyclamen are my favs. Good show.

  6. Your collage is a splash of colour VP. Hopefully this predicted cold spell will remind the bulbs that they have a while to wait before they should open.

  7. Lovely VP. Seeing the bulbs poking up here as well, it seems too soon, but I suppose they know best. The Iris retics hold much promise. Don't they all.

  8. I am insanely jealous of not one, but two, Clematises in bloom in your garden. It's great to see your Erysium is still going. Mine is presumably finished blooming, but I haven't seen it since last week's snow.

  9. You have far more than me in flower at the moment. I like your Clemtis Freckles

  10. Great variety of blooms you have there; might even say an envy-inducing array.

    On the other hand, we in Toronto get a real variety of weather, with the effect of the Great Lakes backed by the great continental plain. So every little nook and cranny of Ontario has its own weather manifestation.

    It always surprises me when visiting Britain to so often see the island map with one big generalized sun or raincloud in the weather report. I exaggerate for effect. But not by much.

  11. Still lots going on! Looks good.

  12. Hi everyone - I'm glad you've enjoyed my blooms. I too was rather surprised by what was still around in the garden, even if some of it was looking distictly frayed around the edges!

    Some of you like Jodi and Helen have also picked up on my fascination with the weather - it's something I anticipate writing more about in the New Year.

    I'll hop on over for a visit shortly if I haven't already.

    A special welcome to Dan, Becca, Claire and Michelle - good to see you :D

  13. Quite a selection of lovlies even though it is December.

  14. Joanne - thank you. I was quite shocked when I went round the garde. That's one of the pluses of GBBD for me, it makes me go and really have a good look :)


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