ABC of Weather: Precipitation

I'm really pleased I bought this simple rain gauge last year so I can measure the precipitation (rain, snow, hail and sleet) which falls on my garden. It was just over a year ago when I bought it, so I'm now getting into comparison territory. Last month I recorded 34.25 mm (about 1.3 inches) which is well below the average for April: about 60% of the average according to last night's local weather forecast. No wonder the ground's been looking so parched.

I'm hoping that the gauge remains empty over the next few days as I'm off to Meet at Malvern tomorrow to have a splendid time with lots of garden blogging buddies :)

Precipitation-wise, I'm not feeling optimistic that'll happen though... :(

How's the weather with you today?

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  1. The weather is gorgeous, thank you. Sunny skies, light winds, warm, but not hot.

    WV is "upsinery"--surely has to mean something, doesn't it? Too good a nonsense word to waste.

  2. Here in my part of MI is good. Bearable to do some yard work later. But hope to get more rain, plants do need it. Happy Wednesday!

    ABC Wednesday~P

  3. The tricky thing about rain gauges, in my garden, is that there is really nowhere open enough to provide an accurate reading.

    Freezing cold here in Lincolnshire, by the way. We need the wind to get back to the south west before we all freeze. The cats are back to sulky winter mode, even.

  4. Our weather here in Nova Scotia is mostly fair today, if a tad on the cool side. Enjoy Malvern! I can't wait to see everyone's photos and hear their stories.

  5. Yesterday, we got what you got, last month. I've always wondered how they measure snowfall? Won't it just drift over, past, a rain gauge?

  6. I learn so many P words today at ABC. Great meme and nice post

  7. Looks a handy gadget - soft prolonged precipitation here today.

  8. we've had heavy wind and rain yesterday, but it's nice now in ALB.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  9. A great pick for ABC.

    On behalf of the ABC Wed. team, thanks for playing.

  10. Here in Wa state we had a lovely sunny day albiet too cold for May! Finally the gale force winds subsided. More like March temp wise...thus far our spring has been cold...alas my veg garden is woefully lacking.


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