Twitterchat with Nick Hamilton

Thursday night sees quite a novel idea as Nick Hamilton of Barnsdale Gardens fame will be available on Twitter to answer your gardening questions. When I first heard about it earlier on in the week, I was a bit skeptical as I wondered how sound advice could be distilled down into a mere 140 characters. However, I then remembered just how helpful my Twitter buddies have been in dispensing their own hints and tips whenever anyone Tweets a question into the ether. Besides there's always the possible insertion of pertinent links to back up what's being said.

The opportunity to have your gardening questions answered by a leading expert is still pretty rare unless you manage to catch a recording of Gardeners' Question Time or visit a gardening show. So why not give this a go? Lands' End are hosting Nick's session from 8 to 9pm on Thursday 27th May. All you need to do is:
  1. Login to Twitter in the usual way or sign up for Twitter at
  2. Follow Lands’ End UK so that you can see the chat as it progresses:
  3. If you want to ask something use @LandsEnd_UK in your tweet along with your question or topic of discussion.
  4. Use a hashtag # as part of your tweet question – a hashtag is a code used to mark a specific topic. The hashtag for this twitterchat is #Barnsdale. You can search for #Barnsdale to see all the relevant tweets.

Lands' End are also running a competition to design part of Barnsdale's latest garden which will be turned into reality by Nick and designer Adam Frost. I met Adam last week when I went to see the Chelsea build as he's been working on the planting for Mark Gregory's garden. He's a lot of fun and knows his plants. The competition is to come up with an idea which will form a special feature of the garden, so you don't have to design the whole thing. There's some great prizes and the closing date is May 31st. Further details are here.

Picture courtesy of Lands' End.


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That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

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