Postcard from Malvern

I'm finding it extremely hard to blog right now: I have simply too much information, so many images in my head and lots of emotions about the whole weekend at Malvern to put it into words, except that it was totally wonderful, with days filled with laughter, hugs and friendship. It was also much nicer to be part of the show instead of being just a visitor.

However, I did promise Shirl some tulips from there for her Photo Fest. If you click to enlarge the picture, you'll see why these (courtesy of Avon Bulbs, who were awarded a gold medal) are just perfect for her.

More postcards to follow over at the Meet at Malvern blog and luckily my fellow bloggers are being far more articulate than I am, so will be able to fill you in on the details.


  1. I hope you had a wonderful weekend, VP! Looking forward to reading all the posts about your Malvern adventure.

  2. I had to do my post yesterday morning - a real challenge, took several attempts to write anything vaguely interesting and articulate!

  3. 'Shirley' is one of my favourites. I didn't plant it this year and have felt the lack of it.

    I'm holding off any blogging about Malvern for a while but it is good to see other people's and find out what I missed. Particularly since I hardly saw any of the gardens!!!!!!

  4. Gorgeous tulips! They're the one spring flower that I don't think I'd ever tire of seeing. :)

  5. These are one of my favorites - unfortunately mine didn't come back this year as the sage grew on top of where they should have been - must order more for next year.
    (love avon bulbs)

  6. It was great to meet you at Malvern, thanks for hunting me out! I hope you all had a lovely time - I'm clicking around to see what you all got up to. It's all I have the energy for today. Sarah

  7. What lovely tulips for Shirl :)

  8. Thank-you VP! Perfect :-D

    I don’t believe I’ve ever seen such a good sized group of Shirley tulips. I’ve one or two left that a very good non blogging friend gave me a few years ago. I see one is near opening now. How lovely to receive a whole bunch from a blogging friend too :-D

    I can well imagine all that must be running/buzzing through your head after Malvern and with a photo sort too I can see how it could be a daunting task deciding which way to take it. Perhaps a week of postcards :-D

    Best wishes, Shirley :-D

  9. Glad it was fun! So, you hugged Gail, Frances, and Yolanda (and yourself) for me, then? ;-)

  10. A beautiful bouquet for Shirl. Funnily enough they leapt out at me too. So glad that you had such a great weekend but not surprised that are feeling overwhelmed. I am sure that you will not be quiet for long :)

  11. I really enjoyed the visit but there was way too much to take in all at once - what with the size of the show and bloggers turning out to be real people. I will take a few days to recover!

  12. I can understand how it would be hard to write about such a gathering! Sounds like you all had a great time. I am so jealous and hope there is a repeat next year. I love your photo!

  13. Hi everyone - glad you like the tulips, especially you Shirl :)

    Still tired and finding it hard to write, but still warm from the hugs and laughter of last weekend


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