OOTS: Downtown Seattle

Seattle has vast riches when it comes to public planting and the way it chooses to present its open spaces all over the city. Here's just a taste of what I found when NAH, Victoria and I set out on our post Fling sight seeing. These planters are on Pine Street. Note also the use of paving to add interest: I could do a whole post just on paving alone from what I found in and around Seattle.

The area around the famous and bustling Pike Place Market had chosen cheerful sunflowers as its signature plant for this year.

And many of the other local businesses had chosen to adorn their balconies or go in for full blown roof gardens.

Unfortunately I haven't got a photo of the amazing Freeway Park which covers 'the ditch' created by the criss-crossing of motorways in the centre of the city as we were always bowling along the I-5 on the way to the next Fling garden or back to the hotel. I'm hoping one of my fellow Flingers may have captured it. We saw vast curtains of vines and other tropical planting hanging down off various roads and bridges. They swayed in the wind caused by the passing traffic. Apparently the part which covers a municipal parking garage also has an artificial stream and cascade.

Finally, here's a quick teaser photograph of the Olympic Sculpture Park, one of our Fling venues which deserves a juicy OOTS post all to itself. Corten steel isn't big just at Chelsea Flower Show!

Fancy joining me for OOTS this month? You can find out how here.


  1. I feel very envious - Seattle looks pretty good so far. Hope you are having fun sorting through your photos!

  2. Arabella - it was a wonderful trip and there's loads to come, not just about Seattle. I've so many potential posts, I'm scared I'll bore you all to death before I'm done!

  3. I've been very interested in your comments about Seattle and NW gardens as I live in Seattle. I don't think of Seattle or the NW as a real garden area and maybe that is because I compare it to England where I've never seen so many plantings per square inch! It has been good to see my area's gardens through you eyes as it gives me a new perspective. Thank you!

  4. I've visited Pike Place Market! That is where the fish sellers throw the fish across the stall in a big show! I also bought the most garlicky, blow your head off, garlic paste there! phew!

  5. Kath - you're welcome. I thought Seattle farde very well garden wise and your public planting is marvellous.

    Matron - I thought of you whilst we were in Seattle as I remember your trip and meet up with fellow garden bloggers there :) Pike Place Market is wonderful, especially the fish throwers!

  6. I agree -- I'm backed up to the gills with post ideas from our trip out west. It will take time to unroll them. Maybe we should have waited till NABLOPOMO, as we could easily do a post a day. It was a pleasure to meet you and NAH in Seattle, VP!

  7. Helen - at the rate I'm going I'll still be posting in November ;)


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The Resilient Garden

Testing Times: Tomatoes