The Easy Recipe Finder

Judging by Veg Plotting's statistics, my seasonal recipes are one of the most popular parts of my blog. It's great when people take the trouble to thank me for a recipe they've tried successfully themselves :)

I'm also aware my recipe label isn't the best way of finding things, nor is asking you to use the search facility at the top of the blog. So I've put together this summary, showing what's on offer in the simple, seasonal recipe line both on Veg Plotting and my Open Garden blog.


Allotment (also a generic Glutbuster as are most of these recipes)
Garlic Mushroom
Last of the Summer - a Glutbuster way to use up lots of salad leaves and cucumber
Lemon Chicken with Orzo
Mangetout (a guest post on The Guardian Gardening blog)
Moroccan Pumpkin Soup
Parsnip and Hazelnut Soup (the best parsnip soup recipe I've tried so Far)


But It's Too Cold for Salad! Ideas of what to do with those leaves when the icy weather hits (also in the comments)
Lentil, Beetroot and Feta Salad (my version of the Real Greek dish)
Make Mine Mint - lots of ideas for using this herb in salads
My Simple 4 Step Salad Guide - how to make an interesting salad every time
Primrose Salad
Roasted Squash and Rocket Salad
Sprouted Lentil and Pea Shoot Salad - a warming winter version, plus a summery variation


Glutbuster (Mainly easy suppers and courgette/squash ideas)

Tomato and squash au gratin (or courgettes)
Tomato Bruschetta
Universal Pesto

I also have a post dedicated to ideas for using lots of cucumbers - both hot and cold dishes. I've also added my own version of Tzatziki using new-to-me Skyr and za'atar.

My Pea Super post has lots of ideas for tasty easy lunches using frozen peas.

Puds and Tea Time Treats

Apricot Tart (with a later variation using figs)
Chocolate Cake (with an amazing mystery ingredient!)
Chocolate Spice Cookies (a Christmassy option from Encounters With Remarkable Biscuits)
Quince Tart (a major adaptation with link to original recipe)
Scones (aka 'biscuit' across the pond and not to be confused with our biscuits!)

Jams and Preserves

Dessert Apple Jelly
Fig Jam (an amazing variation of my Rhubarb and Ginger Jam recipe)
Nasturtium 'Capers' (NB only use the small seeds - see comments)


Croutons and simple salad dressing - two essentials which help a salad go with a zing
Garlic powder - great for a huge harvest that can be made to last for up to 2 years
Gooseberry sauce - a good accompaniment to oily fish, such as mackerel
Mushy peas - lots of information about them, plus instructions to make your own and a link to a video showing how they're made chip shop style
Raspberry vinegar - great for salad dressings, ice cream, drinking and coughs
Salmon Frittata - an idea spotted at IKEA which would go well with a salad


  1. Thanks for listing those, VP

    Boy, am I going to be busy going through them...

  2. This makes it so easy to find what we are looking for! Thank you!!
    Great recipes and thanks for sharing!

  3. Great index.
    I've always argued cooking and gardening go together.

  4. I will give some of these a try--particularly the soups, as they are favorite winter meals for me.

  5. P.S., According to my site stats, the favorite blog posts on my website are the ones dealing with cutting and installing corrugated sheet metal. Several hits a day. Go figure.

  6. Hi VP - can you tell me if you can freeze the courgette & brie soup? It sounds like a great recipe to use up some darned marrows, but never sure about freezing dairy. Just wondered if you have ever frozen it? cheers, Julieanne

  7. From Stacounter the links are human - sometimes I can see a visitor from ... read ... and left a comment to prove it. Blogspot stats are picking up a lot of referrer spam from gothise currently.

  8. Chris - enjoy!

    Linda - I've put a link in the sidebar, so they're easy to find as well as easy to cook :)

    Hermes - too true!

    Susan - it goes to show that you never can tell what is going to strike a cord with readers - or googling ;)

    Gwenfar - I'd go for freezing the soup without the Brie - it gets added right at the end

    EE - that's true, but that's only those who click through. I suspect that most of the ones shown are where the search engine has returned a post as part of a search (so is 'read' by a computer)but the human reader involved doesn't click on your link


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Testing Times: Tomatoes

The Resilient Garden

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

Make Use of Mildew