GBBD: The Guerrilla Garden

I often talk about the public land by our house here on Veg Plotting, but I haven't shown you that much of it. Previously you've seen the hawthorn and blackthorn *, plus the snowdrops which I planted on the wooded slope next to our house and along the drive leading up to it.

The flowers are part of my guerrilla gardening activities and because the land right by us is woodland cum hedgerow, my planting is simple and mainly of spring flowers. The picture shows part of the footpath leading down to the path running next to our house and the local brook. I've used daffodils and Muscari, the latter reviled by many for their tendency to spread, but planted by me for their resilience. The dreadful ground left by the builders is keeping them in check.

I'm rather pleased by the way the Pulmonaria is spreading itself down the path. These were originally tiny pieces given to me by my friend Lu which I planted a couple of springs ago. As seems to be happening so often these days that spring was a dry one and I thought they wouldn't survive. But they have, despite my not watering them and I love seeing the bees out visiting for an early season's feed.

At the weekend I was out there again, planting out a spare
hellebore left over from from the batch J gave me, which I was able to split into several new plants. I also planted some more Pulmonaria (also divided) and some foxgloves. These are rescued self-seeded plants from the gravel path in my back garden.

I've done nothing to look after my guerrilla garden apart from the initial planting and it's rewarding my tough love by blooming every spring. Soon the folks from the local care home will be coming along the path to admire my handiwork. Little do they know I can hear their cries of pleasure when they see the daffodils I've planted amongst the trees. It's an annual treat for them and for me to hear them whilst I'm out working in my garden :)

* = currently in blossom, so here's hoping we don't get a blackthorn winter.

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. I noticed similar guerilla gardening up here by a couple of my neighbours as I walked past on my way to Morrisons today. It must be catching..I, alas, seem to have sprouted a bin bag of rubbish someone has dumped next to the hedge, now torn open by the cats.

  2. What a wonderful thing to plant for others... neighbors admire mine but it is not quite the guerilla gardening you are doing...

  3. I'm very pleased to see the pulmonaria has done its thing!

  4. I also have friends that share their plants with me; sort of like hand-me-downs given a new life. I like to return the favor and later pass them along to other friends.

  5. TS - here's hoping there's more of what your neighbours are doing and less of the rubbish dumping in future.

    Donna - it's very simple stuff. To do more would look out of place.

    Lu - I'm glad they've taken so well. It makes the end of the walk back from Chippenham very welcoming :)

    Swimray - welcome :) It's a great idea and something I touched on in my previous Blooms Day post.

    Greggo - hello and thanks for your visit :)


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