A Very Special Offer

I'm thrilled to be teaming up with Emma Bond of The Orchard Studio - one of my featured Local Vocals on the right - to bring you a very special offer today :)

Emma has been working mega hard to set up the sparkly new The Bath Gardening School and has a fantastic range of courses starting later this month. We've put our heads together and come up with a fab offer to celebrate Mothers' Day: 20% off all bookings taken by 30th April. If you've forgotten to buy your mum something special for today, then this is a perfect way to make it up to her. However, the discount isn't just for your mum, it's available to all Veg Plotting readers - yippee!

If you want to brush up on your garden photography skills, find out more about growing your own, or to learn about garden design, then Emma has the perfect day for you. Or perhaps you're thinking about keeping bees? That's taken care of too.

There's a superb line up of experts as your day's tutors, including Mark Diacono from River Cottage/Otter Farm; Anne Wareham being more thinking about gardens than her Bad Tempered Gardener tag might suggest; Charles Dowding will show you how to grow the freshest of salads the no-dig way; and Emma herself will be doing a spot of tutoring too. You can read more about all the spring/summer courses available here.

All courses take place on Saturdays at Bath's Botanical Gardens, one of the less well-known gems of Bath and a scrummy lunch is included too. The usual price for your day is £99.05, but to you guv it's £79.37 :)

To save you fiddling around with entering offer codes and stuff, Tom - Emma's husband and king of all things web - has set up some special Veg Plotting booking pages with the offer already applied. Just click on the link(s) below for the course you want to book on. Note, these open in a new window (as does the link to the further course information above), so you can have a good look around without losing your link to the exclusive special offer deal. You'll find that the special price is NOT applied if you book via The Bath Gardening School's usual website.


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The Resilient Garden

Testing Times: Tomatoes