The Day of the Torch

Things are happening thick and fast at VP Gardens at the moment, but I couldn't let this morning's momentous visit by the Olympic Torch Relay team pass this blog by. Here's the first of the runners going through Chippenham at just after 10 am. NAH and I had a short walk to find our spot in front of the town's football ground.

Whilst we were waiting every cyclist passing by was treated to a massive cheer from the crowd, as were the many vans taking police officers to their assigned places. Then we had a cavalcade of police motorcycles with blue lights flashing and sirens blaring, plus various sponsors lorries and the coach taking the torch bearers to their designated spots.

I don't think I've ever felt so emotional about a complete stranger running by. The Olympics were here :)

Update: There's quite a few films of the torch relay in Chippenham posted up on YouTube now. Here's just one of them plus another which was taken just a few yards down the road from where we were. You can select further related ones to watch if you want.


  1. It doesn't come around here until mid July time - either Reading or Guildford, both are a trek and no public transport options either :(

  2. I saw the torch go through Lynton in North Devon on Sunday - there was a party atmosphere!

  3. Great to see how the torch parade is catching the imagination of the country. It's coming through here next week but it's going to be touch and go whether I get there to see it pass through.

  4. Jane and little D watched it too - they said it was great. If I'm honest I don't quite get it, but then I'm an old grump and probably would have loved it had I been there.

  5. Zoe - that's a shame, I thought it would have been nearer for you :(

    Lu - there was in Chippenham too!

    Anna - I hope you get to see it

    The Bike Shed - it is quite a bizarre thing when you stop and think about it - cheering on a complete stranger. It's more about everyone gathering together to share the event. If only we could bottle it up and bring it out for when the community really needs it.

  6. I sae it too, in New Road, couldn't be missed really, once in a lifetime thing. Man on a bycicle coasting down the hill with mobile phone filming the crowd, great.

  7. Meryl - that guy cycled past us too - it's a wonder he didn't fall off!


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