National Tomato Week

Apparently British Tomato Week starts today. So here are a couple of mine out frolicing in the garden in celebration ;)

Sadly the dedicated tomato website to this event doesn't seem to have much on offer. We have until 27th May to think of our own celebration. Shall we go Tomatina style or Totally Tomato?

Which tomato varieties are you growing this year? And your favourite?


  1. well lovely post i love tomates but this year none of my have started to shoot at all not sure wether it's to late to restart sowing or not

  2. How tomatoes are almost a foot high and ready to go out this weekend...can't wait to see some fruit soon!!

  3. lovely post for some reason none of mine have grown from seed at all this season
    love all types of tomates
    is it to late to re start sowing now?

  4. It seems a funny week to hold it, and the website is nothing much is it.
    I'm growing a few each Gardeners Delight and Golden Queen, and a pot one Red Robin. The first I was given, the others I've grown from seed.
    Flighty xx

  5. A couple of mine are in their growbags in the greenhouse but no sign of flowers yet. This year I'm growing San Marzano, St Pierre and a couple of Gartenperle that will go to my mother in a hanging basket. I personally don't like tomatoes, unless they're cooked down into a pasta sauce or made into green tomato chutney. I must be the world's worst vegetarian...

  6. I am growing "Black Krim", "San Marzanos" and old faithful "Mortgage Lifters". Trying some new ones this season!

  7. I planted Big Boy, Better Boy, Park's Whopper, Sweet 100, and one I've never tried before - Atkinsons.
    All are blooming, and some have already formed small tomatoes. I'm in the southern United States (Mississippi) and our weather is already hot - middle 80s F, about 30C. In July our temperatures will be so hot, the tomatoes just stop and rest until cooler weather comes. I keep watering them so they don't die from the heat.
    Happy gardening!
    Lea's Menagerie

  8. Didn't realise there was a british Tomato week. I love home grown tomatoes you can't get better then picking a delicious tomato of the plant and eating it.

  9. I have decided that somebody else will grow my tomatoes for me next year. Tomatina style celebrations would be more fun :)

  10. wow - you have tomatoes formed already - I am still waiting for some plants from a friend :( (no I am not dropping a hint)

  11. We're growing some millefleur centiflor types and Aurora from Real Seeds and some Tigerella for fun.

    Salad Chat is being great, one more reason for this :)


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