On the Iris Trail
Sunset edged irises at Chateau du Rivau It was bearded iris time on our recent trip to France ; also at last week's Chelsea Flower Show; and judging by my peeps into social media, it's currently iris time for many of you too. I must admit I'm late to warm to these flowers. The earlier blooming Iris reticulata, then elegant Iris sibirica are usually my species of choice, but seeing so many fine bearded irises whilst away along with the steady drip feed of your photos finally got me thinking differently. Then yesterday whilst sorting through my things, I found a leaflet from Cayeux nursery (which I picked up at Chelsea last week), which has answered all my doubts... I loved Cayeux's colour sectioned display at this year's Chelsea Flower Show. Guess which one is my favourite? Doubt #1: They don't bloom for very long Cayeux says: "If you select a mixture of small, intermediate and tall varieties you can have irises in flower from mid April...