GBBD/ABC Wednesday 4: M is For...

... Mid Spring Blooms Day

I confess it's a rather contrived M so I can combine 2 Memes today - but we are in the Middle Month of the spring quarter of the gardening calendar - so I hope you'll indulge me a little. I feel the garden's in a state of transition: from the bright yellow I associate so strongly with March - particularly daffodils - to the more purple hues I associate with late spring. Along the way there's the tulips to enjoy and I'm really pleased with how the ones I potted up last December have turned out. For once 'Red Riding Hood' hasn't been ravaged by slugs and failed to bloom - a first for this garden. In the nursery area are the daffodils I didn't pot up until February (bottom right above - next to the cowslip picture) as you can see they've come on good and strong in spite of their very late planting! It's a very exciting time to be out in the garden - new plants and flowers are appearing daily - I'm sure you won't mind if I head off there to join them?

For other ABC Wednesday posts you need to go via the ABC Wednesday Mr Linky blog.

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Garden.


  1. I like the daffodils, they're so cheery!

  2. Contrived or not this is a nice post and your flowers are beautiful.

  3. Great idea to combine the two memes, VP! I'm afraid I wasn't so clever, so I posted my ABC early and will be a little late with GBBD. What a dazzling display of daffodils! I don't have much else blooming right now.

  4. Your photos are lovely. I'd never thought of colors as being related to the stages of spring. Interesting!

  5. Beautiful blooms VP are all those Daffodils in your garden? wow

    Have a happy Wednesday



  6. I wish that I had followed your creative thinking VP.
    It's interesting to see how there is a wider spectrum of colour in the garden now - is it related to insect life and pollination, more daylight hours or another reason altogether ? I wish I knew or could remember :) You have some beautiful mid spring blooms !

  7. VP .. I like the idea of the two collages (spelling still doesn't look right even if spell check says it is .. one of those mornings ?) .. in any case .. an all yellow contrasted by an almost all red and some green with blue thrown in .. NICE !!!

  8. Very clever VP! I love the double duty post! Plus, I get to see the dafs again! Ours are almost gone~just the messy leaves to remind of us them! Have a good afternoon! gail

  9. Ooh, so springy!! Mellow yellow, even.

  10. I was only thinking yesterday how the garden colours were changing from yellow to blues and purples.

    How do you get the photos to appear in a grid like that?

  11. I like the combination! This time of year we are all so busy! Your collages are beautiful :) Happy GBBD to you today!

  12. I think your bloom collection this month is "M"-ost A-"M"-azing! What a fabulous couple of collages. Wow, your garden is just bursting at the seams, how do you take it all in? Thank goodness for Bloom Day, we have to actually go out and notice everything that's going on at least once per month.

  13. What a lovely collection of daffs! A beautiful collage.

  14. I'm very fond of Red Riding Hood tulips. I like short varieties because the winds up here tend to flatten the taller ones.

  15. Great post as always VP. As daffs are from bulbs, I am going to be bold and ask could you advise if I am able to plant the tulip bulbs I found in the garage, bought in the autumn? Could I plant them now, or would that be an awful faux paux?

  16. Hi - fellow ABCers and Blooms Day people - I'll come over for a visit over at you place. I'm glad you liked the flowers :)

    PG - the grid option is one of the features I can use when making the collages in Picasa.

  17. Beautiful collages. I really like the Daffodil in the middle of the bottom row, the sort of reverse bicolor one. Daffodil season is pretty much just getting underway here, but it won't be long before the tulips start. Your striped foliage ones are especially nice.

  18. Hi MMD - the daffodil you like is 'St Patrick's Day' and the tulip is 'Red Riding Hood'. I'm surprised there aren't more varieties with foliage like RRH - it's much more interesting than the usual bland affair they have isn't it?

    EmmaT - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! xxx

  19. Such beautiful spring blooms in your garden. I love all the daffs. Happy GBBD.

  20. Hi VP,
    Your garden is looking mighty good. Love the brunnera and violas. Just beautiful.

    I also wanted to say about the red mulch in Chippenham. What is with it? I think if looks a bit unnatural.

  21. Lisa and Tina - thanks for your visit and kind compliments and Tina - that red mulch is awful isn't it?


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