YAWA: Your Events Guide for April

April's always been tulip month for me - summed up by the Tulip Festival (sadly no more) held annually when I was a child in Birmingham. Cannon Hill Park became temporarily Dutch during the Easter holidays and the park's beds were packed with every conceivable colour and variety. Nowadays, I have to get my annual fix at nearby Abbey House Gardens in Malmesbury, where thousands are waiting to greet me at some point over the next few weeks. The other great floral event this month is the fritillaries at North Meadow, Cricklade; a nationally important nature reserve - the site has 80% of the nation's wild population - Wiltshire as a whole has 95% of them. They're beginning to peep through now - the link is regularly updated with how they're doing - and the meadows should be spectacular at the end of the month. Teas will be served in the village hall to raise money for the church - you can't get more English than that.

The presence of Easter also signals the start of the main tourist season, so many gardens and properties will be opening their gates and doors after their winter hibernation. I believe Madame Zelda is also beginning to stir out of her sherry induced slumbers and will be along shortly with her highly individual selection of must-see gardens for you to visit ;)

Dates for your diary this month:

10-13th - Easter. Lots of traditional events, such as egg rolling and the Bacup Nutters Dance: the Common Ground website has full details

17-19th - RHS Show Cardiff - the first show outside London of the year

19th - National Garlic Day - yum!

22nd - Earth Day

23rd - St George's Day - the patron saint of England. Why this isn't a national holiday is a mystery to me. This day also marks the start of the British Asparagus Festival in Evesham, a series of events celebrating this luxury vegetable over its main cropping season from now until 21st June.

25th April - 3rd May - National Beanpole Week. A celebration of all things coppicing - thanks for reminding me Anna!

Here's to a great month - as usual if you've anything to add to April's diary, do let us know here at You Ask, We Answer ;)


  1. We have an upcoming tulip festival in nearby Skagit Valley. I hope to make my first trip this year. That's a lovely photo, great color. Now, about this Garlic Day ...

  2. Sounds good! Thanks for the photo compliment - the first time I took it I realised I'd left the dustbin (aka Trash can) in the background!

    I believe garlic day is also celebrated in the States on the same day? My first googling had references to it coming from there (and calling it International Garlic Day), but the link I finally chose seems to think it has much deeper roots.

  3. We have passed Abbey House Gardens a few times on our treks to Dorset - must visit one of these days. Glad to hear that Madame Z is coming out of hibernation - perhaps she could mount a campaign for a bank holiday on April 23rd :) Tis long overdue !

  4. The Asparagus festival would be the one for me (if I were a little nearer).

    Weren't we at one point the biggest asparagus grower in the world?


  5. Some fun and unusual days

    April 3 is find a rainbow day.

    April 5 is National read a road map day.

    April 16 is Eggs Benedict day

    April 24 is Pig in a blanket day

    and how about this one ...
    April 7 is No housework day

  6. Hi VP ~ You live in a wonderful place. All those tulips, all sorts of activities this month and then there's Madame Zelda. Quite the oracle, I'd say!! I'm looking forward to hearing more words of prophecy from here. I hope April brings great weather. It was so good to read your comment!

  7. Aunt Debbi, YAWA A.P.E Texas branch correspondent here. In north Texas this month we have a lot do to including the Kaufman County Master Gardener Spring Seminar on 4/4. Ennis Bluebonnet Trail Festival 4/17-19 and Dallas Blooms at the Dallas Arboretum through 4/12.

  8. And the Gardens Open schemes start to get interesting (not least because it is getting warm enough to enjoy coffee / cake on the lawns!)

  9. I have to confess a greater fondness for fritillaries than for tulips, but hey....I can't like everything!

    As April 23rd is my birthday, I am all in favour of it becoming a Bank Holiday! - and surrounded by garlic and asparagus would be bliss!

    Have you been to The Garlic Farm on the Isle of Wight? Fantastic place, well worth a visit. The garlic bulbs I bought there produced my best ever garlic crop - and the garlic ice-cream was....suprisingly nice!

  10. Your unique place names and festivals really make me long for England. Sigh.

  11. Good Lord...I'd forgotten about the Tulip Festival at Cannon Hill. You are indeed a mine of flashbacks. Thanks VP! x

  12. It is all so grand. No one is more ready than I am. I plan on spending every dry hour outside from now till Autumn. I love the basket of flowers above.

  13. Anna - if you find yourself going there, let me know and we can meet up :)

    Rob - it does look rather yummy doesn't it - though I do pity the poor guy dressed as an asparagus ;)

    Crafty - thank you - I especially like the no housework day, though I must confess I have more of those than I have housework ones!

    Kate - it was my pleasure to come on over. It's been way too long. Madame Zelda is imminent ;)

    Deb - those events look fantastic. If only I could go to them...

    Hermes - you're a guy after my own heart. Coffee and cake are compulsory ;p

    Nutty Gnome - happy birthday for the 23rd. And thank you, you've just given me an idea for a post on Garlic Day :)

    Monica - I'm always amazed you know so much about us :)

    Deb - do you know I thought of you when I was writing about Cannon Hill. Sadly I couldn't find any piccies on t'internet so we could have a proper wallow in nostalgia!

    FGG - I'm finding it increasingly difficult NOT to spend every waking hour outside. Something may have to give blogwise at this rate :(


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