Pots and Lavender: VPGGB #9

A rethink of my strategy for the boring fence project led me to seek out some large pots recently so I can put some screening plants on the patio. I was very pleased to find some large blue 'long tom' style pots - 20 inches high and 16 inches across - for half price at Homebase. I was even more pleased when they went through the till at one third price - that's £9.99. I've planted one of them with a holly tree from last year's Franks Plants and the one in the picture's housing Clematis 'Crystal Fountain' from that lovely Mr. Evison.

Revamping part of my borders saw me rip out quite a few woody lavender and I've had a bit of a guilt trip because I'm not replacing them with plants the bees love. Instead I was very happy to replace a very tired looking rosemary on the patio with three good sized lavender plants bought from Focus for a fiver. They're not a special variety, but the bees won't mind that. And don't worry about the rosemary - I have an extremely rampant prostrate one elsewhere in the garden which certainly doesn't read the manual regarding its height and spread, plus it flowers prolifically from winter through to summer. The one in the pot only managed a few miserable flowers at springtime.

Have you found any good bargains lately and what have you done with them?


  1. VP, my bargain this year were petunias. We like (or rather they like us and grow well) Petunia Tumbelina Priscilla. I bought a couple of plug plants for 69p each and read that you can grow them from cuttings. Petunias root very easily and I now have at least 10 plants - more than I need!

    Best wishes Sylvia

  2. Good Morning VP !
    Does a percentage off my tree for being a hort clb member count ? haha !
    My love of the Spring is my new Serviceberry tree : ) I can't stop smiling when I look at it !

  3. I've had to rip out 3 foot wide Spanish lavender plants this year. They had reached the age of 4, with a summer and winter of too much rain without drying out between. I still have 5 good ones that are about to bloom. My old Munstead is doing great and is a better size for my cottage garden, so I bought 3 4" pots of Munstead for $3.00 US each. I may go back and get more!

    My bargains are going to a local nursery and getting 4 plant cell packs for $1.20 to 2.50 of perennial agastache.


  4. Hi My daughter planted bamboo in very large pots and galvanised old wash bowls and they stand on the edge of her patio making a lovely screen without having to worry about invasive roots.

    How do you make a link into another post such as clicking on lovelt Mr Evison?

  5. Thanks so much for your advice you are a star and when I don't feel quite so tired I'll have a go.

  6. No horticultural bargains so far this year VP but there's still a good way to go :) Like the pots !

  7. Sylvia - that's a good bargain. I use the Priscilla petunias too in the hanging basket by the front door. The purple ones have a lovely scent.

    Joy - It most certainly does - I get 20% off plant sales (and the tea room) at the National Trust places with my volunteer card :)

    Cameron - I think you should get some more, Munstead is rather fine. I'm off to a similar nursery today - there may be VPGGB #10 very soon!

    Joanne - that's a very good idea. And I see my instrictions re links worked :)

    Anna - thanks!


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