Aiding International Gardening Relations


Does intercontinental misunderstanding get you down?

Convinced your gardening buddy across the pond is talking in gibberish or tongues?

Does the mention of hoar frost make you want to snigger?

Then look no further, the team at You Ask We Answer has just the thing for you!

A companion volume to the wildly successful You Ask We Answer series, The YAWA Dictionary will steadily build into a must-read tome, to vastly increase your daily reading pleasure.

From Aubergine to Zucchini, you will always have to hand the meaning of all those tricky little words your blogging friends toss into their posts with gay abandon and nary a thought regarding cross-border communication and international relations.

Already the mysteries of butt, bramley apples, hoar frost, parsnips, verges and zones have been explained in great detail and to international acclaim. However, we've found some explanations can be more bitesize than our standard service and that's where The YAWA Dictionary is designed to plug the gap. Coming soon: aubergine, butt updated, canning, collards, flats, hell strip, ladybug, rutabaga and yard. Don't miss this vital aid to communication and understanding!

Don't see the word you need explaining in our list? No problem! Contact the YAWA lexicon team at Veg Plotting and we'll take care of the rest, pronto. Remember, The YAWA Dictionary isn't confined to transatlantic translations - our expert team is poised to field enquiries from all corners of the globe.

Can't find what you need, but you know it's there? Don't worry - everything explained thus far can be found in The YAWA Dictionary link in the New Reader section of the right hand sidebar. This will include links to the explanations from our standard YAWA service as well as The YAWA Dictionary, so you need never miss out ever again! Regular updates will be added when appropriate - a unique, unparalleled service!

The YAWA Dictionary: adding meaning to your garden blogging.


  1. The YAWA Dictionary sounds intriguing! :)

  2. Thanks for being so understanding of those of us across the pond. I used to wonder when I read novels set in the UK why everyone was wearing jumpers:) At least I finally figured that one out. I remember your explaining the meaning of "water butt" for me; I'm looking forward to finding out now what a hellstrip is!

    Still in AZ with limited time for reading blogs, but I did catch up on your April 1 post--good thing you put the disclaimer at the end, because I believed every word of it!

  3. I do know just what you mean about the mutual incomprehension! My aunt lived in the States for thirty years but struggled with the term "fanny pack" until the day she died!

  4. This will be fun...although not gardening related! I remember reading someplace that Joan Collins described a young Warren Beatty as spotty! It took me a while to figure out that he had blemishes! Gail

  5. What a wonderful dictionary! You're a genuis. Could you get 'Wick' added to it? I write that all the time, it's N.Irish and just means 'not good/ terrible /annoying', I've had people (only as far as England) thinking it is a place??

  6. I seem to remember c'cranes' causing a problem too.

    And something that flumoxed me for a bit - lots of people offereing to help in the garden . . . then it turned out 'volunteers' were 'self-seeded'.

    Esther Montgomery
    Esther's Boring Garden Blog

  7. I think courgette needs to go in the dict--we call them zucchini. Also, how did you get the font larger in Blogger (for "READER")? I tried the normal font size command in html and it didn't work for me. Thanks!

  8. Thanks for the tip! I always use html mode ("Edit HTML" tab; yeah, I'm kinda geeky) and *didn't even realize* there was another tab, "Compose" that offers a LOT more options then the tab I was using (like altering font size, for example). Wow!

  9. Hands across the sea! I'm a Yank, but thought I spoke pretty good UK English--until I read the word "barton" in my current Brit gardening book.

  10. I second the addition of "wick." In America, we use that to me soak up a string. Any to aid mutual understanding and gardening harmony.

  11. Hi VP, this will be great. I can't wait to see what gets included. Especially now that I am getting Gardens Illustrated, finally. :-)


  12. Smashing! So far I've just been watching British movies with captioning for the hearing impaired to improve my understanding.
    "Greenfingers" was so helpful. Truthfully a blog with an accent is quite fun to read. It adds a little mystery to things.

  13. I love this! Especially since I am an American in London (so I'm sort of hawf and haff). Good luck!

  14. Nancy - wait and see ;)

    Rose - no problem - it's been fun putting stuff together and pretending to have a magazine within Veg Plotting!

    Elizabethm - we sniggered too! I'm not sure if I dare add it to the disctionary though!

    Gail - well a lot of the terms are gardening related picked up from various posts and questions you ask me here. I must look up what spotty means (if anything) in the USA!

    Carrie - I've added Wick to the list, especially as you used it in a comment last week and I had to work out what it means :)

    Deb - I hope my best YAWA APE correspondent will be joining in!

    Esther - well remembered. I've added it to the list. I'm also considering math/maths from the post over at your place. You've also reminded me that I did a post explaining 'volunteer' ages ago, so I've added a link to it on the dictionary page.

    Monica - zucchini's already in the pipelin and will include courgette too. Only too glad to help with the font size stuff :)

    Daffodil planter - you've got me stumped. I'll have to look up 'barton' too!

    MMD - I'll add that to the Wick explanation

    Frances - isn't GI wonderful! Let me know if there's anything I should be adding here. I must remember to look through my freebie copy of Horticultural to see if I can add anything from there

    Becky - welcome and thanks :) I hope you enjoy the new series as it unfolds!

    themoderngardener - hello and welcome! I hope you'll check back to make sure I'm doing OK!


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That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The Resilient Garden

Testing Times: Tomatoes