Sunday Supplement

An occasional round up of the virtual and real here at VP Gardens. I'd like it to be a weekly event just like the best bits you get in the Sunday papers, but I'm not promising ;)

Web Watch

My website of the week has to be Common Ground: it's a celebration of local distinctiveness and was the sourcebook of many of the traditions and unusual customs mentioned in my monthly events diary last year.

Now it has a tradition all of its own in the shape of Apple Day, which celebrates its 21st anniversary this Thursday. It was started not only to celebrate how good our apples are, but to also raise awareness of (and ultimately halt) the decline of our orchards.

There's events all over the country, not just on the 21st, so have a look in the link to find one near you. I'm going to the one at Lacock Abbey today, where there'll be a display of apple varieties with tasting of both apples and juice, guided orchard walks, games including the longest peel competition, an apple poet-tree, plus a cider bar featuring No Nunsense, the Abbey's own brew.

Trending Topic

Whilst my piece about Gardeners' Question Time and bad blogging has had a satisfying leap to other blogs both here and in the USA, it was a mere blip compared to the response to Andrew Marr's remarks about bloggers and citizen journalism at the Cheltenham Literature Festival this week. It crossed over to all the mainstream media just as it was probably designed to do. I particularly liked The Independent's list of good blogs.

The report that the BBC's Nick Robinson now ignores the Comments on his blog also got me thinking. Established 'traditional' media figures who now blog often encounter abusive, bullying remarks from some most angry people. I wonder if it is this opportunity to 'knock the establishment' which is helping to tarnish the reputation of 'good blogging' in addition to the issues we've already discussed?

BTW I can reassure you I'm neither a socially inadequate, pimpled, single (what would NAH say), slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed young man (!), sitting in my mother's basement (she doesn't have one) and ranting. Nor am I drunk at the moment. Phew ;)

Link Love

I've been enjoying rediscovering Val Littlewood's blog, Pencil and Leaf this week and marvelling at her talents. Do have a look at her exquisite drawings and paintings, particularly of bees. I also had an impromptu visit from Lia on Monday which was great fun, though I'm wondering whether her seeing all the dandelions in my lawn gave her inspiration to find a use for hers ;)

Comment of the Week
is a thoughtful reminder from regular contributor Petoskystone, who responsed to my Blog Action Day remarks on water a couple of days ago:

if it isn't already, water security looks to be a much harder problem to deal with than a lessening supply of petroleum.

Back to Reality

I'm very excited today because Artist's Garden is coming to stay :) She's on a course at Special Plants for a couple of days, which isn't far from here. We'll be having a good old natter in the evenings, plus we'll both get to catch up with Threadspider and hear about her recent trip to New England in the fall. Then we'll all see James as he's giving a talk to Bath University Garden Club on Tuesday evening. Karen's imminent arrival means I must get out in the garden and do a bit of frantic tidying up, so see you later in the week!

The photo is of one of the old railway wagons on display outside the restored Midsomer Norton station last Sunday. NAH's there today playing at trains on the heritage railway.

This time last year I'd been to Westonbirt and found this wonderfully coloured tree. In 2008, I'd just finished knitting some teeny tiny hats and who could forget the fun that was LAPCPADPOUB?


  1. i have yet to understand the need some feel to post horrible screeching diatribes. it accomplishes nothing save unease.

  2. I wonder if all the venom directed at bloggers from mainstream media is similar to the venom wagon wheel makers directed at the automobile...

    I love Pencil and Leaf, too! A marvelous blog full of Val's amazing drawings. I wish I could do mine half so well.

  3. Intrigued by the idea of a apple- poet tree ~ hope you post about it at a future date. Love to Karen :)

  4. Petoskystone - quite!

    Susan - probably. And your drawings are so much better than mine, despite your efforts to teach me via your book ;)

    Anna - sadly I ran out of time, so will have to find out next year!


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The Resilient Garden

Testing Times: Tomatoes