I Love January For...

... Being New

I always struggle with January and February, but I do love the 'slate wiped clean' feeling I have today. There are so many possibilities to look forward to, like these hyacinths my brother-in-law and family gave me when they came to stay.

I'm not usually a huge fan of hyacinths, but having something growy to do just after the year has turned, makes them just right for now :)


  1. I have lots of slate if you want some more!!!!
    What are the hyacinths growing in? It looks like pebbles & water.

    1. Hi Dobby - yes it's pebbles and water. It's a new departure for me as they usually buy me a kit with compost. I'm interested in seeing how these turn out. I'm also going to try adding some alcohol in the water when the shoots get a bit bigger. It's a trick I found out about for paperwhites last year and I'm interested in seeing whether it will work with other bulbs too. With paperwhites it makes the stems less leggy, something I find usually happens with hyacinths too.

  2. Thats what I like, the promise of flowers to come, I have some Hyacinths coming on nicely in the conservatory and I'm looking forward to the beautiful perfume when the flowers open. Alcohol for plants - I haven't heard that one before, will be interested to see the outcome!

  3. I love hyacinths. I have some white ones at different stages of growth. I like the idea of the alcohol to stop them getting leggy

  4. They're beautifully done in the glass and pebbles. It is nice to see things growing at this time of year. By the time they flower, the winter will be mostly behind us. Something to look forward to!

  5. So how do you decide if they're a pinot kind of bulb, or perhaps more your vodka cocktail? Or are we talking some blow-your-mind home brew?

  6. I'll try getting my hyacinths drunk too as I found they got a bit spindly last year. Ta for the tip. I also have an old enamel potty full (of hyacinths, that is) but planted in compost, and am looking forward to seeing them flower in a month or so.

  7. It's an annual tradition - that you say nice things about hyacinths given by family, even though you aren't very struck on them. (Hyacinths, not family!) Have a very happy 2014. May your blog go from strength to strength! Esther

  8. In view of your comments, I must remember to write a follow up post! Thanks for all your comments :)


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