Puzzle Corner: A Gardener's Word Grid

Click on the picture to enlarge to a readable size and to print off for your own use :)

The bumper Radio Times cryptic crossword is a Christmas favourite here at VP Gardens, so perhaps it was no surprise my brain started devising some garden-related clues of its own. I then had a lot of fun trying to arrange them into some kind of grid, falling just short of the classic symmetry of a full-blown crossword.

I hope you enjoy completing this as much as I did devising it. I'll publish the solution next week.

A few days after putting this together, I learnt it's the crossword's centenary. This knowledge, combined with my endeavours meant I simply had to buy a copy of John Halpern's The Centenary of the Crossword. It's perfect reading for puzzle lovers :)

Further puzzles will appear on Veg Plotting from time to time. In the meantime, there's my Garden Finder Wordsearch and Garden Scramble to have a go at, if you missed them previously.


  1. Yey! we got them. Great quiz!

  2. Hi pianolearner! Brilliant - so glad you enjoyed. Thanks for letting me know :)


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