RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2014

This is quick reminder about this weekend's RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch from the unlikeliest of spots: the ladies loo at Bridgewater Services on the M5. I spotted this advert above the hand dryers at the end of January last year and I saved it especially for today!

Forget the dates you see in the picture, the ones for this year are the 25th and 26th January. Here's to finding an hour this weekend with plenty of birds :)

The ladies loo at Bridgewater Services seems to do a nice line in odd juxtapositions: here's another one I took for Sign of the Times.


  1. I ripped up the vital RSPB form and threw it in the bin yesterday while my eldest (the birdwatcher) was at school. You can't imagine how much trouble I was in. I have an automatic default de-clutter setting, and I thought it was rubbish. I've got it out of the bin now though and sellotaped it back together. And I've put out mealworms and suet and a fancy thing made with cranberries. Let's hope I'm forgiven.

  2. That's quite a penance CJ! Fingers crossed you're forgiven :)


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