How Advertising Works in Chippenham #35

  1. You want everyone to keep the allotment site tidy
  2. So you have some very helpful notices made so plot holders know what's what
  3. Arrange them prominently so they can't be missed
  4. Wait for a blogger with a camera to spot the notice is now more of a 'do what I say, not what I do'
  5. Et voila!
This notice has been on site for years looking quite normal, but has fallen victim recently to the stormy weather. It's a very minor casualty compared to what some parts of the country are experiencing (and my allotment neighbour whose plot currently resembles a lake), but it felt good to see some storm damage which made me smile for a change.

And some sunshine!


  1. A man round here has got into a dispute with those responsible for rubbish collection. He's been collecting up cans etc. from the lane where he lives and putting it in/by the public bin. This, apparently, is counted as tipping because it's third party rubbish. If he had drunk the beer himself, he would have been allowed to put the cans in the bin. But putting other people's rubbish in there is not allowed!

    1. That is just plain silly - where's their common sense?

  2. It looks like a cross...are you sure that no one is buried there! Flighty xx

  3. I could do with a notice like that down our back lane - I've noticed bits of rubbish gradually appearing. Sorry to hear there's flooding at your site, I hope it subsides soon.

    1. The flooding's more to do with the site being on clay CJ - I hope you've not been too affected where you are? Hopefully 'Above the River' means precisely that...

  4. We could do with that notice in the lane between our woodland and what was the village school. Someone is dumping their garden rubbish and it looks as though we have just put it over our hedge, we would have put it in one of our compost bins! Hope your neighbours plot soon dries out.

    1. That's a shame - why can't people be more responsible for their own stuff :(

  5. Do such notices do the trick on your allotment site VP? Sadly they don't work on ours. Esther's comment has me has left me in a state of disbelief - not his rubbish - why should he have to not only pick up after litter louts but also be expected to fill his own bin? Has all common sense flown out of the window completely? Getting on one of my hobby horses now :)

    1. We're a small site Anna, so rubbish on the whole isn't a problem. However, we do have people dumping their garden waste in the boundary ditch. This is centuries old, so it's rather a shame they do that. I on the other hand accumulate the garden waste I can't compost in various bags until I have a big enough load to fill the car and take to the dump. Unfortunately sometimes the allotment inspection has come along before I've done that and I've had the dreaded letter... :(


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