A Quick Update...

Festive yarn bombing on Chippenham High Street
I couldn't resist this week's festive yarn bombing on Chippenham's High Street  
Just popped in for a quick update and to show you some cheerful pictures. Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post; your good wishes have helped me through the past few weeks.

Mum moves down to Wiltshire tomorrow, so cross your fingers it all goes smoothly. There are still a lot of hoops to go through, but we're getting there... slowly.

It'll be a while before I'm back to regular blogging again, but I'll pop in from time to time for a quick update or two.

In the meantime, here's the full story from our local paper on who's behind Chippenham's yarn bombing. Someone even wrote in with a thank you letter :)


  1. Hello again :-) Looks fun around Chippenham just now! I bet they make you smile. Hope you are keeping well yourself and here's hoping tomorrow's move goes well and your Mum settles in quickly and very soon enjoys the company she will have there. Best wishes to you all, Shirley xo

    1. Thanks Shirley, I'm sitting here hoping fervently I've done the right thing and she's OK when she arrives at the home later today. I'm just sorting oout some things from her home which I hope will make her room more comfortable and familiar for her.

  2. Replies
    1. Me too, Lea... and I thought it was about time an autumnal view came off the top of the blog ;)

  3. Your yarn bombing photos have made me smile. So cheerful! I do hope tomorrow goes well. I know how much work you must have put into the move. Hope your mum settles in well and enjoys the company. I shall be thinking of you both tomorrow and sending my love. All the best. Karen xxx

    1. Thanks Karen. Mum's move went relatively smoothly, so fingers crossed she has a better time of it here in Wiltshire :)


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