A #mygardenrightnow thank you

Early nerine leaves poking through the gravel
A surprise I found yesterday - my nerine's been multiplying while I wasn't looking

Starting a new online gardening project always feels a bit of a shot in the dark, even when everyone gets all enthusiastic beforehand. Deciding to have one when the weekend forecast is a bit grim is quite a nerve jangler too.

Of course it helps that gardeners are a hardy bunch, who are used to being outdoors in all kinds of weather. It's been wonderful to see everyone's contributions roll in over the weekend, 90+ all told, with hundreds of photos and other goodies taken in the process. It's now one of the most successful projects I've launched into the virtual world.

Rose fasciation
A surprise I found out pruning on Saturday afternoon - I think stem damage might be the cause

There's been plenty of mud, water, even snow, with glimpses of sunshine and shots of brightness in the shape of gorgeous spring flowers. I think crocuses and rhubarb just about edged the impromptu 'flower or veg of the moment' polls, though daffodils and leeks possibly came close. It's been particularly good to see the first signs of spring blossom too.

Carefully prepared plots and late winter crops were much in evidence and following the demise of my allotment shed, I'm envious of everyone's garden buildings, no matter how well worn they are.

Spare a kind thought for Annabelle who happily went to her allotment to take her photos for #mygardenrightnow only to find she'd been burgled. It's something many of us have faced at some time on our plots and it's sickening when it happens. There was also evidence of storm damage on some contributions with people showing themselves getting on with their repairs. Others were starting on new projects where the weather was kinder.

Our front side garden and looking towards the guerrilla garden whilst a storm approaches
Our front side garden - taken just after a Twitter discussion re the merits of seeing overhead garden photos

Some took the opportunity to try out something new, such as filming a video of their plot, which was grand. There was even a spot of social media troubleshooting, when a long standing Twitter problem was finally solved with some help from John. It all makes a rich tapestry of gardening life and virtual friendship, not only here in the UK, but also from Ireland, Sweden, Canada, USA and Australia.

We all constantly write, photograph and share our gardens, so it's been wonderful to have a snapshot in time for once when everyone has come together to share what's theirs; whether it's a beautifully prepared plot or completely warts and all.

A huge thank you to everyone who took part. - your contributions are all entered in Saturday's Mr Linky. It's a great gardening feast to look over again on the next rainy day, and each link opens in a new window for ease of browsing. Here I've added a few extra surprise finds from my garden over the weekend as a supplement to my 'official' photo which started it all off.

Thanks to everyone who took part in #mygardenrightnow


  1. Thanks for setting up #mygardenrightnow Michelle. It's been lots of fun to take part and to see what everyone else's gardens are doing. I've read new blogs and found new people to follow - much appreciated :)

    1. You can comment - yay! Thanks for taking part - it was a lot of fun :)

  2. Thank you for arranging it all, Michelle. It was wonderful to take a nosy around other gardeners' gardens.
    Is there a gnome checking out your multiplying nerines?

    1. My pleasure Sarah :)

      No, it's a lady with her arms stretched out in a 'it's this big' pose ;)

  3. Thanks to you for doing what was clearly a brilliant idea judging by how many took part. Flighty xx

    1. Thanks Flighty - I'm a bit gobsmacked at how it took off! x

  4. Fab, Michelle. Will start planning for June now!

  5. By the way, it's not just your Nerine that has been multiplying, but also your toes (see first photo)... :)

    1. Tee hee - I didn't notice them at first when I lined up the photo, then a corner of one crept in so I had to include them ;)

  6. It's been terrific fun. Thanks for the idea and for all the organising behind the scenes. I hope, in the best possible tradition, there was cake as well as mulch..

    1. Thanks Jessica. Rest assured there was plenty of cake 😊

  7. Those wellies will be famous. Well done on motivating us all.

  8. Thank you I'm so looking forward to being well enough to actively join in with the next #mygardeningrightnow

    angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

    1. Put the first weekend in June in your diary Angela 😊


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