#mygardenrightnow: there's still plenty going on!

Welcome to December's #mygardenrightnow

The great thing about memes like #mygardenrightnow is they let us pause and have a proper look at the garden. I've been on holiday this week and I thought the recent cold snap would mean a wintery drabness on my return. Yesterday's inspection showed the garden's having none of it. There's still plenty to see, plus a few surprises.

Collage of flowers and colour found in the garden this December

Autumn hasn't quite finished here at VP Gardens, which means there are flashes of colour and some floral delights everywhere I look. True, they're on a smaller scale than previous editions of #mygardenrightnow, but the current season means they're especially welcome. Those fat hellebore buds shown bottom right in the collage also show promise of winter delights to come.

We've only just got home, so I'll have to leave the festive part of this edition of #mygardenrightnow to other contributors. I'll focus on the hope part instead...

Clematis urophylla 'Winter Beauty' in bud

...I was delighted with the efforts of Clematis urophylla 'Winter Beauty' in February and it promises to be even more spectacular this winter. Fingers crossed.

Daffodil shoot in one of the patio pots

Perhaps the biggest surprise and the most hope of all was my discovery of daffodil shoots poking their noses above the soil. I've topped up this pot with mulch to give some extra protection.

How's your garden right now?


Thanks to everyone who took part at the weekend across all social media. Lots of you focused on autumn colour and the stirring life to be found in the garden even as we head into winter. It's reassuring to see everyone's gardens still look good at this time of the year.

Here are the links to those people who chose to blog their response to #mygardenrightnow. Do go and visit, they're a great read.


  1. That clematis looks amazing!! Love the way the buds look hanging down like that. Anyway here is #mygardenrightnow:

    1. Thanks Paul, looks great. It's amazing how much life there is to find, even in the dark days of December!

  2. I have some similar shots to you but need to take some plot photos this afternoon. Are you having a linky this time?

    1. I'll add a linky if there's enough bloggers taking part Sue. It was a bit quiet yesterday and I'm still catching up after getting back from holiday. If you leave your URL to your blog post in the comments here I'll add it to the Linky later.

    2. http://glallotments.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/mygardenrightnow-winters-day-in-garden.html

  3. I've put a picture with the hashtag on Twitter. xx

  4. I hope that you had a good holiday VP. It's always exciting to see what's been happening in the garden when you've been away. Beats unpacking for me. That clematis looks so full of promise. I've also focused on hope for this edition over here: https://greentapestry.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/undercover-my-gardenrightnow.html

  5. Autumn hasn’t quite finished here either. I need more winter clematis though. I like the look of winter beauty. Here’s my contribution https://bramblegarden.com/. Love karen x

  6. Sorry my link is broken above. Trying again . Sigh xx https://bramblegarden.com/2017/12/03/my-garden-right-now-and-end-of-the-month-view-dec-3rd-2017/

  7. I've been so busy cleaning up and getting the garden put to bed for the winter that I haven't really had a chance to have a look around. The winter chill is upon us now and, in our colder climate, I don't think that there will be any blooms to see but seed pods and grasses are another story.

    1. I took quite a few seed pod photos too Margaret, but they didn't make the final edit for this post. Great to leave them for our feathered friends to feed on over the winter :)

  8. November this year has been one of the sunniest I can remember, the colour in our gardens are reflecting this. I hope we don’t pay for it later in the year!

    1. Well, it was decidedly chilly last week Brian, and I see there's a weather warning for snow and ice including your part of the world later this week. Hopefully it'll be sunny afterwards, I love bracing winter walks! Thanks for resubscribing to Veg Plotting, it's much appreciated :)

  9. Thanks to those of you who've left a comment with your post's URL. I've left a comment over at yours, plus a proper link in this post :)

  10. Hope you had a good holiday, Michelle. Lovely to get away for a few days but must have been good to get back to some blooms in the garden. It was quite nice on Saturday here so I did a live video on Insta (not sure I've got the hang of it yet, no hashtags but a walk around the garden.) Also posted on Insta and Twitter and have just finished the blog post. (https://urbanvegpatch.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/early-december-in-veg-patch.html) It's due to get colder at the end of the week here, not sure I'm entirely ready for wintry chills yet! Caro x


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