Seasonal Recipe: My version of Tzatziki

The first of 2018's cucumbers

We went from zero to glut in one day as far as cucumbers were concerned last week. That turned out to be no problem as the variety I'm growing this year is relatively small and I've found my own delicious version of Tzatziki uses them up with ease.

I've not been well recently* and the medical advice going forward is to eat a low fat diet. I'm marvelling at how my body has accepted this so readily, not even turning a hair at all the tempting treats such as cheese on offer in the fridge. I'm sure it's its way of protecting me from harm.

I've discovered how delicious Skyr** is this week. This strained Icelandic version of yoghurt is super thick and is a fantastic substitute for mayonnaise when making a tuna filling for sandwiches or jacket potatoes. It's extremely low in fat and has lower sugar and higher protein levels to the usual natural yoghurts.

The recent spell of hot weather got me thinking about cooling foods, so it was only natural I should use it for my take on a low-fat version of Tzatziki. In my version I've used za'atar*** to add a delicious flavour to the mild tasting Skyr.

Don't think I'm a bit late with my timing today re the need for cooling foods. We're set to return to soaring temperatures again later this week, so you might like to try this recipe for lunch when it does.

My version of Tzatziki


1 small cucumber - finger sized,and diced (include the seeds if desired)
Black pepper and za'atar to taste
4-5 large teaspoon dollops of Skyr
Fresh thyme leaves - 3-4 sprigs, leaves only
1 wholemeal pitta bread, toasted


  1. Place the cucumber in a small bowl, add a few grinds of black pepper, then add a generous sprinkling of za'atar over the top. 
  2. Add the Skyr and mix all the ingredients together well
  3. Garnish with the thyme leaves and serve with the freshly toasted pitta
Serves 1 generously for lunch or 2 as a side dish with a main meal.

NB if you're growing outdoor cucumbers like me, don't forget to rub off the outside bristly bits first.

Tzatziki on pitta bread

* = I'm due to go into hospital to have my gallbladder out today; things can only get better 🙂

** = no, I don't know how to pronounce it either, though I see Wikipedia says it's 'skeer'

*** = do you buy foods in a fit of enthusiasm only to have them lie around for ages untouched in your store cupboard? I'm glad I've found a use for this interesting flavouring at last. It's only taken me a year!


  1. My son went to Iceland 2 years ago with the scouts and came back full of enthusiasm for skyr and he calls it skeer :-)
    I love za'tar (and sumac) but I've never thought of putting it in tsatsiki. I'll have to try it with my next batch (I'm also making lots to use up cucumbers!)
    Good luck with your surgery, hope you fee better soon.

    1. Thanks Hazel - I'm feeling a lot better now. I hope you tried the recipe and found it as delicious as I do.

  2. Mmmmmm - that sounds appetising. I've given growing cucumbers a miss this year as there's only me who likes them. I still buy the odd half a cucumber though so will have to try your recipe out. In answer to your last question the answer is yes :) I'm sorry to hear that you've been under the weather Michelle and hope that the operation went well. I hope that the rest of the year is going to be kinder to you xxx

    1. Thanks Anna - I had my first gardening trip last week and it feels good to have done something 'normal' for a change. Things are definitely on the up :)

  3. Hope you are back home - and able to choose what to eat in future?
    Or is the low fat your future?

    (Dare I tell you we had scones with clotted cream today. But it was a one off treat compared to our usual lowish fat diet)

    I make potato salad dressing - with a little milk as my mother taught me, then half Hellman's mayonnaise and half low fat yoghurt.

    1. In theory I can now eat anything again Diana, but having lost a lot of weight I have the incentive to keep going for a while longer. I love potato salad - your way of doing it looks a good compromise :)


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