Weekend Wandering: Bluebell surprise

Bluebells at the side of the Chippenham to Calne old railway path

Some days just make your heart sing and Saturday was one of them. One of my WI friends arranged for us to walk to Calne along the old railway line and laid on the perfect day for us to enjoy six miles of walking in the finest of company.

Lockdown made this a familiar walk for us all. it's one of the few which takes you to a destination instead of around in a circle and has more of a sense of a journey as a result. Familiarity doesn't mean there aren't any surprises - we were delighted to find extensive bluebell woods either side of the track once we were close to the Bowood Estate. I thought I'd found all the local, walkable bluebell woods during the past two years, and I'm delighted to be proven wrong.

There was plenty of wild garlic too - walks there during the rest of May are going to be quite pungent!

May the month of May be as delightful for you, whatever's happening in your neck of the woods.


  1. How nice to return here - and to bluebells. They are magnificent - and heart lifting - here in Pembrokeshire too, espeiclly by Stackpole. Must get in touch properly - much news to tell you!

    1. They've been quite a display this year :)

  2. We go to Nostell Priory every week for a walk. I love the changing scenery. The bluebells are out there too now.

    1. How lovely - I've only been there in December with my BIL and family. I made my first ever Christmas wreath!

  3. Our local park has a woods with bluebells and wild garlic, always a lovely sight and smell


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