
Bulbalicious hyacinths

We had a lovely welcome home from the garden in the shape of these bulbalicious hyacinths greeting us at our front door when we returned from Italy. It was a serendipitious moment as I'd originally bought them to decorate our kitchen when Helen came to stay back in February.

However, our cat Skipper was paying them far too much attention, so I moved them to the hanging basket out front. The cooler weather there meant they've only started to bloom recently, and most welcome they are too. Once flowering is over, I'm taking a top tip learnt from my time at West Green House and planting them out in the border. I have a plan to revamp the front garden after last year's box demise and these will go there alongside a couple of ferns I have languishing in pots out the back. Waste not want not as they say.

These are not the only bulbs I've been chatting about recently. Over on Insta I'm celebrating the pictured poet's daffodil posing on my windowsill as one of my final seasonal narcissus treats, and the lovely fritillary is featured on FloodRe's Flood Resilient Garden's site.

Then of course we have the wonderful native bluebells to celebrate later this month.

Which bulbs are you enjoying in your garden right now?


  1. The tulips are now in flower here, they get earlier every year.

    1. Goodness, yes Brian! We got home from Italy to find some of the tulips are almost over. They seem to bloom at the same time as the daffodils nowadays instead of afterwards as planned

  2. The little bulbs, Anemone blanda, Puschkinia scilloides, Scilla forbesii, later crocuses, Corydalis solida, some snowdrops, no hyacinths yet - they're being wise and waiting below in our on-again-off-again spring in Toronto.

    1. Janet, I'm always amazed at how much further we ahead we are compared to Toronto at this time of the year. We have the Gulf Stream to thank for that!

  3. Well how nice to see your blog blooming again! I have not been writing enough on my own recently, or reading others as I should. Too much going on. Though oddly, I am back in Chippenham a lot recently as my mum has moved to the care home there and I am 'sorting her house and garden' as it goes up for sale.. All rather sad, but hey... Hope you are well.

    1. Lovely to see you here Mark! I hope you get time to come round for a cuppa when you're in Chippenham x

  4. Daffodils and Tulips here in North Yorkshire, England.

    1. The tulips have been fab this year, Rob!

  5. Nerine sarniensis, both wild on the mountain, and in pots in my garden.

    1. I have Nerine foliage pushing through, Diana though flowers will take a while longer. I think they might have multiplied this year


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