The Ceremonial Tomato

A few days ago we had the ceremony of the first tomato. I lost all my tomato plants to blight last year, so it was a relief to have our first fruit no matter how small. However, it looks like our tomato season will be a short one, as blight has ripped through half of my plants this week. Fingers crossed I got to the rest of them in time with a last ditch spraying of Bordeaux mixture.

I know lots of you will have had lots of tomatoes already, but I only grow them outdoors. Therefore my season starts later anyway and this year's cool summer hasn't helped either. This little beauty was harvested pre-spraying and was delicious.


  1. Mmm! You can't beat the taste of them straight off the vine. Only ones I've had that way this year I pinched out of HG's greenhouse!

  2. Did you share it with NAH ?

  3. Way back when, when I had sunlight in my garden, I planted "Sweet 100's" every year. The (then very young) kids and I would keep an eagle eye out for the first ripe tiny tomato and share it.

    Thanks for reminding me. I hope you will have many more delicious tomatoes to follow.


  4. The first ripe tomato here has the ceremony of being eaten by me before the monkeys can find it. I don't even take it inside. Great knife picture.


  5. By coincidence I am about to harvest the one Sungold that has ripened so far - they were doing so well too until the August drear started. I'm another outdoor grower. After last years poor performance I'm beginning to wonder if it is worth it.

  6. Ah, bless it. It's only the memory of the bounty of two years ago that keeps me going.

  7. I just don't know what to say. I feel so guilty. I live on the Coast and we can have tomatos from April to Oct...But there are things you can grow that I can't so it equals out. I love asparagus and long for a rhubarb bed..and peaches, and many things I wish I could grow..

    Enjoy your pretty little tomato and may you have many more. : )

  8. Congratulations on that yummy tomato! I have had lots of fresh tomatoes this year; in fact, they started ripening at the end of July, much earlier than usual for me. But, like you, blight has hit my plants, and I'm afraid I won't have too many more.
    I hope you caught your plants in time and will be able to enjoy more tomatoes.

  9. It looks good. Good color, good shape, and nicely displayed. Hopefully, there are a few more in your future!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  10. RPF - the way my plants are going, Ithink I'm going to have to go scrumping too!

    Anna - I sure did. Hence the knife :)

    kd - welcome! They sound a fab crop to have

    Deb - I don't usually either Deb. But the complete loss of our crop last year just made things that bit bit more special

    AS - having had a few tomatoes, I still think they're worth it. Shop bought don't even come close

    TS - know what you mean. I suspect we'll have to wait for next year's crop

    Eve - I was about to feel very jealous until you said all the things you long for. I guess we all should appreciate what have just that little bit more

    Rose - it's about 50:50. Some have survived, but some are succumbing :(

    Carol - welcome! Knowing you're such a tomato aficionado I value your judgement!

  11. I grow Garden Pearl cherry tomatoes and have a good crop every year, with lots of ripe fruits and no blight. It is so demoralising when things go wrong, I had no runner beans this year, the plants just didn't grow, a first for me? x

  12. TIMP - I tried Garden Pearl, but found them disappointing compared with Gardeners' Delight. Still getting a few tomatoes :)


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