GBBD - Extra Extra, Read All About It

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Psssttt! You're all invited to come and join me in the garden - at any time from now until the 21st September. It's a new blog packed with articles showing you my garden like you've never seen it before. It's to raise funds for WaterAid and you may win a prize too! Grab a drink and I'll see you there...

The new blog also forms my entry for Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day this month, hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. There's lots of flowers to see; you can take a trip around the whole of the garden and also get an overview of how we went about designing it eight years ago.


  1. Can't wait to see it--will be back tomorrow when I have more time to look at it in detail.

  2. Congrats on pulling it all together. Will come by and have a proper rummage later. Good luck! x

  3. VP ! Looking fantastic girl ! .. I'm pressed for time this morning but you can be sure 'I'll be back!!" ... love the UFO bit !!!
    Joy ^..^

  4. It's fabulous VP, I think you have done an amazing job, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my trip around your garden and allotment. The tea and cakes are delicious and I shall be back for more.

    Zoƫ xx

  5. Well done and good luck!
    I've also commented over there as well. xx

  6. What a wonderful blog! Chock full of goodness! Do you mind if I look a little and visit more tomorrow?

  7. Lovely blooms & the presentation was great! :) Can't wait to see more of your garden, thanks for the preview of things to come. I will be back later when I have more time.

  8. Thank you VP - such a lovely and cheering idea. I am doing your garden in small chunks thereby extending the pleasure over a few days.

  9. What a fantastic idea! You have a lovely garden.

  10. It looks really good VP. Will be rambling round for a few days to come methinks :)

  11. LOL - I loved the newspaper stories. I want to read more about the Clematis abductions.

  12. Wow. I just barely glanced around, but I'll be back as soon as I can scare up some of that tea and biscuits (we call them cookies on the west side of the Atlantic) you mention. And what a great cause!

  13. Loved it! I'll have to come back and look around some more!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  14. Hi everyone - see you there sooooon!

    I'll come over to you to have a word on your blogs too :)


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