VP's Open Garden - Random Prize Draw #2

We're 2 weeks in to my open garden season, so it's time for another random prize draw. The total raised stands at a magnificent £618 - thanks to everyone who's contributed this week. We're pretty close to a significant milestone which I'm confident I'll be able to tell you about during the next few days. I've also been promised a couple of exciting new prizes - more on that later :)

As you may have guessed, I've pulled a prize from my magnificent book stash out of the hat today.

And the winner is...Louise. You've won The Bird Book - the link takes you to its entry on Amazon, so you can get a preview of what you'll be getting. I love the artwork, and I hope it'll add to the lovely posts on the birds you've seen in your garden over at This is My Patch. This book was donated by Jane Perrone (via The Garden Monkey), so my thanks must also go to her for making this possible. Louise - we have family coming down for the weekend, so I'll be in touch early next week to arrange getting your prize to you. Hope that's OK.

Tune in next week for another great giveaway for my garden donors - I may ring the changes with a wizard wheeze. In the meantime, hop on over to my garden and donate, if you haven't done so already!

PS - went to Jekka McVicar's open day at her Herb Farm today. I had a fab time, which Emmat has described so well over at Baklava Shed Coalition - complete with a sneaky mobile phone photo of my lower torso, the minx ;) It was lovely to meet Emma and we chatted away like mad. As you can see from the above photo, Jekka has happily donated a signed copy of her Complete Herb Book to the cause. She was delighted to meet the mysterious VP and to sign my newly bought copy of her book!


  1. sorry i was slightly absent mindedly taking a picture of the fork to remind myself to investigate wide-pronged ones, and then i suddenly thought it doesn't show you so I might get away with using it...

    Also NB that Jekka's FIRST QUESTION was "RIGHT, who's the Garden Monkey then????"

  2. Congratulations on getting so close to your goal, VP! And congratulations to Louise on her prize.
    I've been so busy lately I haven't been able to complete the tour of your garden. Maybe this weekend...

  3. Fantastic achievement VP - I bet you are really chuffed.

  4. Can't wait to see the illustrations in this book. I am over the moon to have won a prize. Thank you so very much VP, and thanks goes to The Garden Monkey as well. x

  5. Emmat - that's OK, just joshing :)

    Rose - thanks and do come and visit soon.

    GM - Emma was very discrete and kept her own counsel.

    PG - yes I am thanks!

    Louise - so glad you like your prize. I'll contact you shortly :)


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The 52 Week Salad Challenge Begins

For National Tree Week