It's Showtime!

The lovely EmmaT is putting on a traditional village show in association with my Open Garden event. Hers is pretty much up market, being modelled in the spirit of P.G. Wodehouse and Lord Emsworth - a rather apt name in view of the show's creator in my view. Show dates are 15th to 30th August, but entries are already pouring in like hot cakes (or hot scones for one particular category) and are on display at her sparkly new blog. There's all the categories you'd expect from a village show, plus a few extras to reflect the world of gardening, blogging and Emma's delightful sense of humour.

Now you may recall that I was dithering about whether to enter my own allotment society show. Well, I have decided to enter (it is the 40th one after all), but as it coincides with my Open Garden times, I suspect I'll be entering less categories than I would like to. Our local garden centre is also getting in on the act by having a show on the 23rd August, so I now appear to be entering three shows. As a show novice, I thought I'd better have a bit of a dress rehearsal. One of Emma's categories is Allotment Showoff: 3. Plate of Fruit. The only thing I ever get asked about up at the allotment is what variety of raspberry I'm growing, so if I'm going to show off anything, it's got to be my Autumn Bliss. I consulted the garden centre's show schedule for what should be displayed for the raspberry category. The above photo is my attempt to meet their schedule. However, I got a bit carried away after that...

I think this attempt is more aesthetically pleasing
And why not pile them all in instead?
A blatant attempt to sway the judges - this is what I had for breakfast this morning.
Oops - I appear to have eaten my entry! Yum :D


  1. I love raspberries, unfortunately I don't have room to grow them. Your plate full is the best!

    Best wishes Sylvia (England)

  2. Those look scrumptious! I prefer to eat my rasberries dipped in Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Syrup. I gave them to the kids that way once & now they demand that treatment for rasberries every time. I also enjoy the perfect raspberry dropped in a glass of champagne, but the kids aren't ready for that.

  3. Mmmmmm - gorgeous! We had raspberry ripple cheesecake for pud tonight, as we have guests. I can recommend it as an excellent way of using rasps. However, your breakfast looked lovely!

  4. Your raspberries look absolutely perfect. I've entered my world's ugliest tomato in Emma T's show. I need to go back and look at the other categories to see if I have other entries. It's a great idea!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  5. Love your blog ( and your raspberries!- I made all my spares into gin this year.SO much better than slow gin!)

  6. I still laugh over that 'swan" description for yourself .. how many of us fall into that category I wonder ? .. not me .. I'm hysterical all the time .. worry about EVERYTHING ! LOL
    Love the pictures of that breakfast .. hope you have another bowl full ready because I am heading over there in a few minutes girl ! haha

  7. Ahhh fresh raspberries. I really like Autumn bliss raspberries. Also wish I had more space to grow them - but I seem to plant roses all voer the place instead. Well hope you have more coming since the first entry got eaten :-) - Now that would not have happened at a roseexhibition!

  8. Sylvia - that's a real shame. Several platefuls - even better!

    MMD - both of those sound heavenly. Strawberries dipped in chocolate or champagne are yummy too :)

    Deb - thought you might :)

    HM - I'm going to have to look that receipe up it sounds delish

    Carol - I thought you might. As soon as I saw it I thought , there's a winner in the ugliest veg category...

    Danielle - welcome! That also sounds like a recipe I need to get hold of!

    Joy - there's plenty here for you too :)

    Niels - luckily there's loads more. They're a very heavy cropper.


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The 52 Week Salad Challenge Begins

For National Tree Week