To Show or Not to Show...

... that is the question. This little notice (click the picture to enlarge if needed) went up on our communal shed a couple of weeks ago. It's the 40th one after all, so it should be just that bit more special - complete with some new 40-related categories to celebrate. I must get hold of the RHS show book to see if my veggies might pass muster. Or there's the photography, jam making, baking... Ooh, so many categories to choose from!

However, I'm also working on an exciting blogging garden/allotment show and tell which is taking up quite a bit of time at the moment - watch this space for further details ;)


  1. Whats the RHS show book?
    (Thinking about my garlic and our garden club show ;))

  2. PS
    Looking forward to your "new" project !?!

  3. Hi VP

    Hmmmm - sounds intriguing.

  4. p.s.

    How do you find the time for all the things you do?

  5. I try to stay away from competitions. I'm horribly competitive, and despite saying that I'd be entering 'just for fun', I know that I would be bitterly disappointed and liable to harbouring life long grudges if someone had better produce than I, which they undoubtedly would have as I couldn't be bothered with the fuss of trying to produce competition grade plants. I have banned myself from visiting the local horticultural society shows for this very reason.

    I think I got the competitive urge from my father, who used to show dahlias. He's now taken up photography and is very competitive with that, too.

    The new idea sounds interesting though...

  6. I just can't get into the whole "gardening as competitive sport" thing, but I like going to the shows & seeing the entries. Garden shows here, though, are always limited to one species (Hosta show, Lily show, etc). Even if you don't enter, I hope you post coverage of the event.

  7. I haven't entered a competition where I knew the other competitors since I was about 12, when my Mother brought the wrath of the WI community on my head by entering my cake, and it winning the Victoria Sandwich Cake class! Although I quite like entering competitions like Botanically Speaking in the Hilliers magazine. (won that last year!)

    Hope the special project is moving along nicely, I see there are lots peeping over the garden fence already ;) Do you have a date? I shouldn't wish to miss the unveiling!

    Best Wishes,


  8. I think that you should take part, especially as it's the 40th one! xx

  9. I think that allotment shows and the like can be great fun and a lovely way of celebrating the season as long as nobody is pressurised into entering. Loook forward to hearing more about the show and your latest project.

  10. AG - it's the book that tells you the judging criteria for fruit and veg. Most shows judge against it

    PV - It is! I don't know!

    HM - I think I'd be the same. And watch this space ;)

    MMD - rest assured I will, show or no show (from me that is!)

    Zoe - well done you!

    Flighty - that's what I'm thinking, but it's finding the time at the mo'...

    Anna - more will be revealed soooooon...


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