ABC Wednesday - B is for...


Not the bulbs of the gardening variety you may have been expecting me to show you, but another image from the fantastic steam fair I visited a couple of weeks ago, which also featured in last week's ABC Wednesday. Once again we're back at the Steam Yachts at sunset, so the showman had just lit all the lamps on the ride.

Do go to the new ABC Wednesday blog to see what inventive poetry, prose or photographs the other participants are showing on the theme of B, courtesy of Mrs Nesbitt.


  1. Steam fair - I didn't know they still existed. Very nice.

  2. Very artistic photo, VP! Yes, I would have expected gardening bulbs from you:)
    Things have been very busy at my house lately and I wasn't even thinking about it being Wed. or I would have changed my title today. I'm also behind in reading blogs...enjoyed seeing Jess in the photo at the allotment.

  3. Wonderful...not the bulbs I expected.
    Yes, the garden cards are for you! 4 OK?

  4. Nice and colorful "B"! Well done!
    Cheers, Klaus

  5. Your right, I expected to see Tulip bulbs here today. Nice surprise.
    I Like the photo.

    Come visit our Butterflies, Click here.
    Troy and Martha

  6. Runee - they do round here :)

    HM - thank you, that's a great compliment having seen yours

    Rose - Glad to surprise a few of you :) And Jess is a cutie isn't she?

    Denise - that's more than OK :D

    Klaus/Sara - welcome and thanks!

    TT - tee hee surprised you too :)

  7. This is a lovely entry! I'd never have thought of it. Excellent photo, too.


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