Dibbers at Dawn?

Once again Veg Plotting finds herself caught up in a whirl of gardening controversy. Kate, the Manic Gardener has chosen to reveal private correspondence between herself and James the Hat regarding Blackpitts flowers' preference to go sockless for the summer. Only yesterday VP herself revealed her Houdini Plants will do the same if given a little mental encouragement.

A denouncement on American Independence Day no less is a low blow and James has had no choice but to challenge Kate to a duel to defend the honour of his plants, his garden, England and St. George. The Garden Monkey and I are his nominated seconds (which miraculously cured me of my earlier quaking in my boots in case Kate came after me too) and are currently busily polishing and sharpening our dibbers in stout defence of our saviour. Aunt Debbi of sock poll fame has rushed into the fray with her tubs of Pot Noodle and Spaghetti Western theme tunes.

I've suggested wet fish as the weapon of choice, though I think the protagonists should contemplate the potential awful consequences of their actions by watching this Public Information Film first and kiss and make up instead. Otherwise it'll end in tears, you mark my words ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tsk, my trust spell checker let me down at the last moment!

    What I wanted to say without adding to this international incident was:

    I read this impasse in diplomatic relations on both James' and Kate's blogs through the week and almost caused myself an injury laughing.

    Earlier this week I too had mentioned plants flowering their socks off, but thankfully it has also gone unnoticed.

    I loved the favouritising Bushism though. It was perfect.

  3. VP - if you need extra dibbers I can send you my orange one.
    However - I am hopeful that it won't come to that.
    (I also have goldfish and tinned spaghetti if required)

  4. I hope peace will break out at any minute. (Actually, no I don't because this has been such a laugh.) But if anyone's fighting a duel, can it be with banjos?

  5. Victoria - your word is my command. Click on the 'end in tears link' to see what I've found for you. No guesses on which one's which mind.

  6. That is hilarious - I want some socks like these. Jigsaw puzzle pieces no less...I've missed out on this great controversy and must become informed forthwith!!

  7. I've got the socks and if you don't watch it, I am going to take that lovely pair right off your feet. I can't believe you changed sides ;)

  8. Ooooh such fantastic socks!

  9. My, oh my, and I thought Blogland was unusually quiet the last few days due to Fourth of July celebrations here in the U.S. Apparently, there is another revolution brewing I was unaware of.
    Thanks for the chuckle!
    Great socks, by the way!

  10. They are great socks, VP. I can just see the critics delivering their final assessment: "Really, the whole thing was quite old hat, all overblown rhetoric and outworn insults. If it weren't for the tragic international repercussions, leading to France's withdrawal from NATO (and, of course, the odd incident of the fish-flavored spaghetti, from which Italy's pasta industry has never recovered) no one would bother with it today. The only truly memorable aspect of the entire bruhaha is the remarkably chic pair of socks that appeared on VP's blog in the very early days of the controversy, before it degenerated into the farcical shifts in allegiance, the endless one-upmanship, that characterizes it today, ten years later."

  11. Zoe - looks like you've escaped lightly! It's been a lot of fun though :)

    AG - I thought I might need to call on your resources, but I think GM's diplomacy will win the day

    Kate - I see you've gone to the source ;)

    Aunt Debbi - I've put some more up, just for you xxx

    Suburbia - thanks!

    Rose - it's been fun and thanks!

    Kate - that's just priceless LOL :D


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