The Arte y Pico Award

Victoria of Victoria's Backyard has awarded me the Arte y Pico award for services to singing. I'm chuffed and chuckling - it sounds like I've won an OBE or something. Thank you so much Victoria, I don't know what I've done to deserve this, but I'm very happy to accept your accolade, especially when I saw who else you've nominated - I'm in very illustrious company. It's also been a great way to refresh my Spanish a little!

Here's the 5 rules bit for this award:

1. Choose 5 blogs you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and contribution to the blogging community, regardless of the language.

2. Each award should have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.

3. Each award winner should show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented him/her with the award.

4. The award winner and the one who has given the award should show the Arte y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award. Translated, it means "the peak of art."

5. Show these rules - done!

Now who to nominate - ahhh yes, of course!
  1. Emma at A Nice Green Leaf. She's had a great debate going on at her blog this week over The Porsche Garden at The RHS Hampton Court Flower Show. Coupled with introducing The Big Green Leaf day at the end of June, makes her well deserving of this award. I'm not sure how this awards thang fits with Indyblogs, so she may have to display it on her other blog Baklava Shed Coalition, but that's OK - she deserves it for creating the Slightly Homemade Gardeners' World on there anyway.
  2. Happymouffetard and Somebeans of The Inelegant Gardener for a lovely combination of humour, photography and - dare I say it - elegance
  3. Karen at Artistsgarden - for wonderful hospitality, her inventive garden comics and her unique way of thanking all her Commenters this week.
  4. Helen, the ever Patientgardener for her lovely blog, writing a post especially for me and finally stirring me into writing my Hard Times for Nurserymen? piece in partial response to her post on the RHS' campaign to reduce VAT on plants and seeds.
  5. Denise at Mrs Nesbitt's Place for creating ABC Wednesday. We've just one letter to go before we're through with this round of the alphabet. I've thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of finding suitable images for each letter that vaguely fit in with the things I blog about on a regular basis.

So there's my 5 - I'm sure at least one of you has had the award before, but the rules don't say anything about you having it just once! As ever you can deal with your award as you see fit - I've given it freely and without obligation.


  1. Thanks VP for the award - I will have to try and work out how to display it in my sidebar and decide who to make mine to. In the best tradition of the oscars I would like to thank my son for his technical advice, my other son for humouring me, my ..........

  2. Services to singing? My best service int hat regard is not to do it all!
    ~ Monica

  3. Thank you VP for passing along the Arte y Pico. I am glad that Victoria passed it to you for "your services to singing" Do you sing to your plants? Is that what makes your garden grow beautifully? :)
    Warm Regards
    An Artist's Garden

  4. Thanks VP!
    We are just off to the Racing @ Scarboro (yes motorbikes..LOL) will pop back later....reading about National Shed Week! I missed that!

  5. Oooh - thank you! not sure about the elegant bit though. I haven't got around to updating the blog today as the weather is gorgeous but I will respond.

    Best wishes,
    HM & SomeBeans

  6. This is really really unexpected and deeply exciting. I feel totally thrilled. I will honestly witter on for hours like a slightly revolting mutant cross of Halle Berry and Gwyneth Paltrow, only less pretty, so let me just stop myself there, eh?
    Thank you love. You've made me smile!

  7. Award winners - no problem, you all deserve it, so I'm happy to pass it along :)

    Monica - we're an all inclusive singing group, so you could be fitted in somewhere!

  8. Hi VP - I am really struggling to find a way of showing this award on my site - obviously beyond my limited technical abilities.
    Do you know what the code for it is?

  9. Hi Helen - I hope the answer I've given over at your place works?


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