ABC Wednesday - Y is for...


We need cheering up on this very rainy day in southern England and I think these Helianthus are perfect candidates for the job. They're the perennial version of the usual annual sunflowers we grow and bear the name Helianthus decapetalus 'Monarch' - golden sunshine in anyone's book. These have started flowering in my garden only this week, thus marking the transition from the mauves and blues of my early summer garden into the golden and fiery reds of late summer/early autumn. Whilst they grow to around 3-4 foot high in my garden, they're perfectly well behaved, don't need any staking and are very easy to look after. They're also attractive to insects, especially bees. They just thread themselves through the back of my lower terrace bed and look good whatever the weather.

Do pop over to Mrs Nesbitt's Place for more ABC pictures to cheer you up.


  1. What a lovely sunny yellow - it is not only in Southern England that it is raining - it is here too.
    Very miserable!

  2. Love those yellow helianthus and they do a good job in the cheery up department. Here we have lost of rain and wind too. BTW Y is also for Yolanda. :-D

  3. Horray! I did "yellow" too. Your flowers are like two little suns.

  4. Y is for beautiful yellow flowers all around the world! Lovely.

  5. These are lovely, and yes we do need a bit of sunshine down here in the South. What another terrible day it is here today, although the garden is loving every minute, more than you can say for me! These flowers are rather similar to the Coreopsis which are putting on a blaze of colour in my garden at the moment. x

  6. LOL, VP, we had the same thought! I don't do the ABC posts every week, but yellow came to my mind this time, too. I didn't realize till then how many yellow flowers I have. These helianthus are beautiful and quite cheerful. Hope the sun comes out for you.

  7. I love this yellow flower and all of its pretty petals.

  8. Oh, they are so bright and cheery looking! I'll have to look for some of those to put in my garden! :D

  9. I am cheered by your lovely flowers after a pants day at work!

  10. Looks like we are all posting yellow flowers!! It must be the weather!

  11. Yellow is such a bright, warm colour much needed on a day like today.
    Thanks! xx

  12. So full of summer............unlike the skies.

  13. They are like sunflowers, you cant help but smile. Very pretty.

    and yes I agree the weather is awful, when are we going to get a summer? Is it me or are the seasons moving?

  14. Hi everyone - glad these have brightened up your day. We needed it didn't we?


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