Shed Seven

It's the start of National Shed Week over at We Heart Sheds (or should that be love?) today, so to mark the seventh day of the seventh month I couldn't resist bringing you pictures of seven very different sheds taken up at the allotment this morning (dodging between showers) in celebration.

Of course I couldn't leave out my own shed - inherited with the plot 4 years ago and unaltered since. Mr & Mrs Robin + family have now quit their home - I hope to bring you a picture of their small but perfect residence above the door later this week.

Unfortunately not all sheds have such lovely residents as Mr & Mrs Robin. This pesky pigeon's on next door's shed, eyeing up his brassicas.

Our latest arrival, next door but one has yet to put this rather swanky looking shed up, but I'm sure it won't be long before he does bearing in mind how hard he's worked to clear his plot and fill it with crops.

Work in progress - a triumph from Freecycle.

Why have one shed when you can have two? This plot's actually got three, but I couldn't fit them all into one shot. The shed on the left was going to go until they realised what it was made of and it couldn't be shifted. The shed on the right was made from materials found on the plot when it was cleared.

Our site's grandest shed, complete with porch.

A fine advertisement for reusing materials. Sadly not plumbed in for the ultimate in recycling.

Finally I must congratulate two of my blogging pals - Simon over at The Plot Thickens and Esther from Esther in the Garden have both reached the finals of Shed of the Year. Simon's shed painstakingly constructed from pallets complete with a rather jolly stove is the finalist from the Hut category, and Esther's drawing joins him from the Other category. These and the rest of the finalists will now be scrutinised by the judges - Alex of Shedworking (who will have a daily shed poll on his website plus other goodies to celebrate National Shed Week), Sarah Beeny and Trevor Bayliss. Happily I voted for both sheds in the preliminaries, so all I have to do now is shout 'Good luck Simon and Esther'!


  1. Smashing - our posts/comments have crossed in the ether!

    Strange re. Blogger and poll problem. I managed to vote ok and I'm on Blogger. I'll look into it...

  2. There's some great looking sheds about aren't there. xx

  3. Hi VP, shedtastic post, thanks for the plug.


  4. I am, of course shedless on the plot, as yet. But I do take pride in being very close to the shed with the porch! Great post VP.

  5. I love the Portaloo shed. (Here they're called Portapottys or Satellites.) I sadly can't have a shed because my garden is such an odd shape, with the setback requirements, the shed would have to go right in the middle of the lawn.

  6. Thanks Alex!

    Flighty - more than I'd imagined!

    Simon - no problem and good luck!

    TS - I've taken the 'Before' photo in readiness...

    YEGTG - yep!

    MMD - thanks for the yankee translation! And yes that would be quite odd unless you made a real 'feature' out of it! Just an idea...

  7. Hello

    I'm Lucy Corrander - Esther Montgomery's neighbour.

    She's away at present but, if she were here, I'm sure she would be wanting to thank people who voted for her shed so I'm doing it for her - Thank You!

    By the way . . . and since I'm here . . . . I'm wondering if I may take the opportunity to advertise my own new blog?

    It's called LOOSE AND LEAFY and I am hoping you will like it as much as I am enjoying putting it together.

    Lucy Corrander

  8. Thnaks Lucy - I've taken a look and like what I see


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