All the Fun of the Fair

Sitting outside in the garden over the weekend was a little surreal as I was in earshot of Carters Steam Fair which had hit town on its way for its summer season at Weston Super Mare. The swirling wind carried the sounds of the fair right here, mostly the plinkety plink of the various traditional fairground organs playing, overlaid by Elvis' In the Ghetto and other pop music from time to time - just like a giant mistuned radio. Naturally, I had to go and take a look. You couldn't avoid the posters over town all week and besides, it was only a five minute walk away.

It was a fabulous affair. Gloriously old fashioned - the kind of fair from my childhood. Everything sparkling and smart in matching paintwork and with meticulous attention to detail. The photograph is part of the steam yachts ride - yes, still powered by steam with one yacht sporting a giant Union Jack on its roof, the other with the Stars and Stripes.

I'll be showing you more fun of the fair over the next few weeks during ABC Wednesday.


  1. It was such fun and so colourful, but I'm not surprised you could hear it from your house. There was one ride that I couldn't stand being near to, it was so loud!
    Congrats on the honourable mention in the Indpendent on Sunday, btw.

  2. that's totally weird mind-melding perhaps we both need a few rounds on the dodgems (for anyone not in the loop, VP and I both managed to call our posts today "all the fun of the fair"

  3. I do hope you show more of the fair, VP. This ride intrigues me--I'm imagining yachts in the middle of an English countryside:)

  4. TS - Thank you! Hope to catch up later on your weekend.

    Emma - I think we do. And for anyone else reading this - Emma's piece is on a completely different kind of fair - one of the gardening kind :)

  5. Rose - our comments crossed, hence why you're not on my original reply.

    I'm definitely posting more - I was originally going to do a collage, but will try and do a substantial amount of ABC based on this fair :)


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