ABC Wednesday - Z is for...


Otherwise known as Arum or Calla Lilies, these magnificent architectural specimens were flowering profusely on Doug and Hilary's allotment plot at the end of June. I loved the way the sun was shining through their leaves when I was up there that morning. It's the largest clump I've ever seen and I suspect never lifted, thus proving that the white form at least can be hardy - our site is pretty exposed and windy at the best of times. Their lovely, trumpet like blooms seem almost unreal don't they?

I was bought one of these as a gift a few years back. I kept it in a small pot whilst I was deciding where it was to go in the garden. Sadly it didn't survive the winter and all that was left was a sad soggy white mess in the pot when I came to look at it in the spring. Last Sunday I 'rescued' a couple of specimens from Homebase - reduced to £1.99 from £7.99, so I'm prepared to take the risk again and try to treat them a little better this time around. I need a moist spot in the sun - I'm quite tempted to convert one of my large pots on the patio into a 'bog' garden for them as my moister parts of the garden are more shaded.

That completes ABC Wednesday Round 2. Our host, Mrs Nesbitt has announced Round 3 will commence next week - hurray! In the meantime, there's plenty of other Z pictures over at her place for you to enjoy. Now I've gone right through from A to Z, I feel I can now claim my ABC Wednesday Round 2 badge:


  1. Lovely photo of the Calla Lillies.

  2. How interessting that the botanical name begins with Z (Zantedeschia) and one of the common names starts with A (Arum)...interesting bridge from the past ABC Wednesday to the next. ;-)

  3. I love this plant. I did not know of this name though.

  4. They are beautiful flowers. I don't think I would have a place to put them in my garden either, the moisture is in the shade and the sun is too dry.

  5. Lovely Z's, one of my favourite flowers (despite my mother always saying they are for funnerals!)

  6. I have so many of these, but never knew their Latin name. They grow like weeds but are stunning when in bloom. :D

  7. We used to have those when I was growing up.

  8. Wonderful stuff VP! Thanks for the award! I am trying so sort out wordle, then there will be an award for all ABCers.


  9. Hi everyone - glad you liked the picture. I'm hopping over to you guys to put a comment over at yours...


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