Singing For Water - For Real

Our weeks of hard work paid off on Tuesday night and we gave our all for the performance. I had an absolute blast and it seems to have gone down well, judging by the audience's reaction and the piece on yesterday's radio. You'll need to fast forward to 1 hour and 25 minutes into the programme. We're on for 8 minutes this time - mainly because they played a whole song - Let's Go. The whole concert will be broadcast at some point - I'll let you know when that happens. Hopefully it'll include the set from our support act The Chausettes - one third of the group I told you about here and including Chris and Ali, two of our choirmasters. Their finale Hit Me Baby One More Time had me in fits of giggles, especially when Chris was a Bass version of Britney Spears!

The link will work until around midday next Wednesday. Like all good fundraising concerts we also had a very moving film about Wateraid's work and the following extract from Chris' e-mail to us all yesterday sums up what we've achieved so far:

You have every right to feel extremely proud of yourselves for last night. I knew it was going to be OK after our run through, but the performance exceeded all my expectations. You sounded fabulous, looked gorgeous and also seemed to have a good time too (the audience always pick up on that).

We also collected nearly £600 on the door and will almost certainly make £1,500 with the ticket receipts. Add this to the Bristol profits and we're looking at over £4,000 from the two concerts. If we hit the average minimum target of £50 a singer in sponsorship (and many of you have already raised more than that), we can add £10,000 to the money we've raised.

You can see from the film last night that that will have a significant impact.

You have made a difference.

Thank you.

Chris, Candy and Ali

Now for the concert in London on the 14th September!


  1. You're an inspiration VP with all the wonderful things you get up to.


  2. Delightful. Listening to a choir's performance is an unforgettable experience and pleasure, but actually performing as a member of one, well anyone who has experienced that will know that it is beyond pure joy and magic. It's rewarding both for the listener and the performer. I hope and know you have and will enjoy many more performances and I wish you all the best.

    By the way, let me just mention you have been tagged on my blog ;-)



  3. Oh, I bet that was fun! The group sounded terrific. Thanks for putting in that link, we enjoyed listening.

  4. Oh well done VP and good wishes for your concert in September. The fast forward button is not working tonight but hope to have a listen before the night is done ! Have you been watching 'Last Choir Standing' on the box?

  5. Hi everyone - thanks for all your support and for listening :)

    Anna - no I keep missing it :(


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