Local News Just In

Just a quick post today as I'm working flat out on the new blog and I'm feeling a bit tired. However, a quick break this evening to catch up with our local newspaper revealed the following nuggets I'd like to share with you:
  1. A spokesman for a local company said he had 'no comment at this stage'. Can I have his job please? I think I might be able to cope with that.
  2. Someone who drove away after filling up at a local petrol station without paying at 11.50pm was described as 'wearing denim jeans with Calvin Klein underwear showing'. If they could spot that at that time of night, how come there's no detailed description of his facial appearance?
  3. A local crop circle spotting group camped out all night in field without finding anything. A rather spectacular, large and intricate six-sided star design was found in the same field an hour after they'd left.
  4. A promotion for a forthcoming advertisement feature asks the question 'Do you serve food to die for?' I do hope not.


  1. Local newspapers are in a world of their own when it comes to reporting. There is always much head shaking and eye rolling when I read ours.

  2. Wish our local newspaper was crammed with such excitement. I'd better put some Calvins on and go out and get some petrol!

  3. The CCTV wasn't that good - it was Carol Klein underwear I was


    The Dandy Highwayman

  4. My favourite local newspaper headline was "Cat in shed ordeal". Says it all, really.

  5. EG - that's precisely why I love ours!

    Rhiannon - welcome! How did you get on?

    Anonymous - hmm, I wonder who you are. You made me laugh :)

    AB - thanks for this - it's just the thing for my new blog

    HM - well that doesn't happen every day does it ;)


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